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                                                                 MAISY'S P.O.V

He stared at me with wide eyes, obviously shocked with what I had just said. How stupid can I get? Randomly telling Eugene that I like him when he doesn’t even like me. But he did get jealous.

Who am I kidding? He probably doesn’t like me at all. These thoughts were running through my mind as we stared at each other. His hands shot out and wrapped around my neck, slightly cupping my cheeks. His lips came down roughly on to mine and I was too shocked to even respond and he pulled away before I even can and went out of the hut.

I sat down, dumbfounded. Did he just kiss me? I think he did. No, not think. I know that he did. Am I having a mini fan girl moment? Yes, yes I am indeed. Holy shit he just kissed me, on my lips. I can’t breath. I was fanning my burning red face with my hands whilst grinning like a maniac.

But why did he go out of the hut? I stood up and went outside and saw him sitting on the log, his head in his hands. I walked to his side and sat next him and wrapped my arms around him from the side.

“Did you kiss me because you like me or was it just a spur of the moment?” I mumbled into his shoulder, too scared to look into his eyes and ask it.

“What do you think?” He asked and I removed my arms from around him and he sat up, facing me.

“You like me?” I asked hesitantly, scared of what his answer might be. He started to smile and nodded, his face going a little red. I pinched his cheeks and cooed whilst smirking.

“You’re so cute.” I said in my baby voice that I had used on Arika, Laritza’s daughter.

“Shut up.” He mumbled, his face going red even more. “I’m not the one that confessed my undying love for you earlier.” He retorted and now it was his turn to smirk and mine to blush.

“Shut up.” I mumbled his earlier words.

“Come here.” He said and hugged me around the shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling his strong and masculine back that I had seen at the waterfall in the morning but now it was night and the moon was out with all its glory.

We pulled away from the hug and Eugene wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to his side and I laid my head on his shoulder.

“So, what are we?” I asked him quietly.

“What do you mean? Aren’t we already married?” He teased me and I blushed, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

“You know what I mean.” I mumbled into his neck and he chuckled a little then quieted down.

“We can be whatever you want to be.” He answered but I can hear the worry in his voice, which made me smile.

“I’d like to be your girlfriend.” I said, acting quite bold.

“I’d like that.” He whispered and gave a kiss on my head and then got up, dragging me with him as well.

We walked back to the hut and lay down on the blanket and covered ourselves with the other one. He put his arm under my head and I snuggled into his chest and threw an arm around his waist and fell asleep in seconds.


When I woke up, Eugene was nowhere in site. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes and saw a figure coming towards the hut.

Eugene entered the hut with small plates on a small tray look a like.

“I got you breakfast.” He said and sat down next to me whilst putting the tray onto my lap.

“Breakfast in bed? Really? Are you getting cliché that quickly into the relationship?” I asked in a teasing voice but he immediately frowned.

“You don’t like it?” He asked. Oh shit, didn’t he hear the teasing in my voice?

“No, I love it Eugene. Thank you.” I said and gave him a small kiss on his cheek and a smile.

“Don’t worry, I was just messing with you.” He replied smirking and then gave me a small peck on the lips.


Hey! They're so cute! *quietly fangirls over Maisy and Eugene.* Anyways, vote or comment on what you think about the chapter :) Have a nice day or night! Gif of a sexy Eugene to the side-->>

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