chapter one - you can't fool me

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I'm so sorry, this is so badly written. I tried to edit it but it was impossible. I promise to do better in the future :) And I edited it again sorry.


"Who are you, and what are you doing here this late at night?" Y/n whisper-yelled as a man in full black approached her.

"My name is Severus Snape, Miss l/n," the man replied.

"No you're not," Y/n snapped and stood up from the couch. She was still whispering, careful not to wake the other people in the house, "He's not real. Simply a figment of J.K Rowling's imagination."

"I think it's obvious, Miss l/n, that I am real," responded the greasy haired man's voice, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"That's not true. You don't even look like him!"

"I'm just here to give you something." He handed her a letter made of parchment. Her brain told her not to open it, knowing full well what it contained, but her heart disagreed. Before she knew it, her hands had acted without permission and the letter was open. After a minute she folded the letter back up, slipped it back into the envelope and returned it to the man in front of her.

"You can't fool me. Magic isn't real, Hogwarts isn't real, Minerva McGonagall isn't real. There is no such thing as Owl Post or Harry Potter." Y/n turned her back on the greasy haired man.

For a few moments there was no reply. Suddenly she felt a tingling on her head and her hair began to transform into a plum shade of purple. She jumped and twirled it around her finger. At Y/n's touch, the strands turned into loose curls and fell around her face. She spun around to face the Professor. His wand was out and was pointed at her.

"It's.... real," was all she could manage to say.


She sat back down on the couch and hugged her knees.

"I think you've made a mistake, sir. I don't think I have magical talents."

"And why is that Miss (l/n)?"

"Because I haven't performed any magic in my whole life. And besides, an obscurial can't live past the age of ten." Y/n said with misery.

"Yes, that is true," Snape replied, ignoring the fact that she knew so much about the wizarding world without being a part of it, "but every time you performed magic, you were obliviated by your mother."

"My mother? My mum is a witch?"

"Yes, pure blood."

"So I'm a half-blood?" She asked.


"What do you mean? There is no way my father is a wizard."

"You're adopted father, yes. Your biological father, no."

"What do you mean my biological father?" She demanded, rising to her feet.

"Your mother got pregnant under a love potion when she was in England the year you were born. Your father knew she was a witch and understood. They raised you as if you were both of their daughter, not just your mother's."

A million questions were running through her head. Why hadn't she got her letter at the age of 11? She can't go to Hogwarts now, can she? At 14? If (y/f/n) (l/n) wasn't her father, then who was? Weren't people who were conceived under a love potion incapable of love?

She opened her mouth to speak but Snape kept talking and didn't allow her to get a word in.

"You didn't get your letter at the age of 11 because your mum had written a letter to MACUSA, since you were conceived in America, claiming that she was teaching you how to control your magic herself and didn't need to go to a school of witchcraft and wizardry. However, there a few people, who require your assistance at Hogwarts."

"Assistance with what?" Snape ignored her question once again and continued.

"I'm afraid that I can not tell you any more in person as I am not the right person to do so. You will find answers if you accept your position at Hogwarts." and with that Snape stood as if to go but she grabbed a hold of his sleeve, stopping him from leaving.

"Yes Miss (l/n)?" he said without turning to face Y/n and yanking his arm away from her grasp.

"I...I accept."

"Very well. I will take you to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get your school supplies."

"Wait, can you please tell me who my father is?"

"Desmond Gaunt."

And with that he appeared into thin air.

God dammit.

Now Y/n has a ton of questions. She checked the time on her phone. 4:10am. Great. She couldn't sleep before. Gaunt? Why did she recognise that name? Where had she heard it from? She fell asleep around 30 minutes later still wondering.


Y/n was shaken awake the next morning by her mother,

"Wake up Y/n! Wake up!"

She sleepily opened her eyes. Her mother was leaning over her, gently shaking her shoulder.

"Good, you're awake. There is a man here to see you and what they hell happened to your hair!" she added worriedly.

The events of a few hours ago played in her head and she sat up suddenly, surprising her mother.

"Mum! Why didn't you tell me I was a witch? And Dad, (f/n), wasn't my biological father?"

"Y/n! He raised you since you were born. Biological or not, he is still your father." Her mother scolded her, "And for not telling you," she sighed sadly, "I was scared of losing you. How did you find out?"

Y/n nodded slightly, "I received a- uh- letter last night."

Her mother didn't reply so y/n threw back the covers and stood up.

"You said there is someone here to see me?"

"Ah, yes. But before you come down, get changed, I don't think they want to see in a sports bra and pyjama pants. And why is your hair purple?" Y/n flushed remembering last night and how she was wearing that while Snape was there.

"Um, crisis?" Her mum just rolled her eyes and shook her head but left Y/n to go tend to her guest.

At the same time Y/n entered her bedroom and looked for clothes.


"Ah, Y/n," her mother said and stood as Y/n entered the room.

"Miss l/n," Snape said and stood too, "I remember the letter told you we would be going to Diagon Alley today?"

"Uh-" Y/n hesitated, "Yes, sir."

"Alright. We will be back in a few hours. Miss l/n, take my arm."

Y/n looked to her mother who seemed upset but remembering that she was going to the Diagon Alley, she timidly placed a hand on his forearm, not at all ready to apparate but before she knew it pressure was being applied to her at every angle.

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