chapter three - gringotts and madam malkin's

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Snape, y/n and Malfoy appeared outside a lonely looking inn. The muggles rushing past didn't seem to even glance at them or the sign hanging above the door.

"The Leaky Cauldron is undetectable for muggles. Come on," Snape explained quickly and opened the door. Inside was dimly lit. There was a huge crowd over near the bar and y/n started walking towards it to see what was going on. But Snape stopped her,

"Miss l/n, this way."

The girl looked back at him indignantly but he just turned and led Malfoy out to the back. After one more longing look at the group of people, including one giant of a man, she followed.

Malfoy and y/n were getting their robes fitted when Snape claimed he was going to be back. The pair just nodded.

They had been to Gringotts first. Y/n didn't expect a vault for herself since her mother wouldn't have left her money in a vault on the other side of the world. So she was shocked when Snape had produced a key to y/n's own vault. As Malfoy was being led away by another goblin, Snape explained to y/n,

"You are the only Gaunt left in your family. The rest of them were wiped out in the Wizarding World War 10 years ago."

Y/n nodded slowly, realising that her only biological family was her mother's side, who just happened to live in England.

"This way."

The vault was number 1289. It was very far down and the ride was long. Snape didn't seem to enjoy the ride very much as his eyebrows were knotted together and there were deep frown lines of disapproval on his face.

Once it was opened y/n could make out piles and piles of gold galleons, silver sickles and bronze knuts.

"Miss l/n, the gold ones are-"

"Galleons," she finished and took a few steps forward.

"I see you already know how our currency works then," Snape drawled, clearly suspicious. Y/n glance over her shoulder at him before putting a few handfuls into a money bag.


Malfoy and Y/n were standing in silence because we didn't know each other well, we didn't have anything to talk about. 'That wasn't true' y/n told herself, 'you read seven books about him,' but she didn't want Malfoy to find her creepy so she stayed silent. At last the blond broke the silence,

"Why did Severus take you down to your vault separately. Why couldn't we have gone together?"

Y/n remembered the conversation with Snape that they had outside Malfoy Manor about changing her last name. Y/n assumed that she had to choose one and not let anyone know about the other. So in response she just shrugged.

Suddenly the door opened and a boy with dark hair and round glasses entered the shop.


Draco's POV

Draco had just started a conversation with l/n when the door opened. L/n hadn't looked at him once since they entered Gringotts and as soon as this other boy walked in, her eyes were all over him. Draco rolled my eyes in envy. Madam Malkin left l/n's side and approached the boy.

"Hogwarts, dear?" she said, "Got the lot here, another young man and lady being fitted up just now, in fact."

She led the boy over to l/n and Draco and stood him between them. Madam Malkin started fitting his robes.

"Hello," Draco said, trying to make conversation, "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes," the boy replied and looked at l/n, "You too?" She just nodded and smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back. They stayed staring and smiling at each other until Draco cleared his throat,

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