chapter two - the malfoys

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I just realised that there's heaps of plot holes so that's fun.


Y/n and Snape arrived outside a dark looking mansion. Y/n doubled over, gasping for breath and feeling extremely dizzy.

"Congratulations on your first time apparating, Miss l/n. You handled that quite well."

"Thanks," she rolled her eyes.

"Now before we enter we need to take care of three problems. First will you stay as a l/n or change to Gaunt?" Snape asked, like it was every day conversation, like she wasn't about to change her name and identity.


"It is your descision. You can go as either but as you are not a l/n by blood, you now have a choice to change your last name to Gaunt." Snape explained.

"Um," y/n stuttered, alarmed at the thought of changing her name. Her mother's words from this morning repeated in her head. 'He raised you since you were born. Biological or not, he is still your father.'  When she thought about it, Y/n Gaunt didn't sound as good as Y/n l/n, so she decided to keep her adopted last name, "I'll stay as l/n. It's who I am."

Snape simply nodded and drew out his wand.

"Secondly, your hair, do you want it to stay purple or go back to its original colour?"

"Well..." y/n began, considering it. New school, new look?

"Here, we don't have all day," Snape seemed agitated and with a flick of his wand the girl's hair returned to its original state, "If you want it to be purple again just think 'mutatio capillus'."

Y/n immediately closed her eyes and thought 'mutatio capillus'. She felt the newly familiar tingle as her hair lengthened and changed.

Snape was obviously irritated at her lack of descision making so Y/n immediatly changed her hair back to brown and made a mental note to play around with it later.

"Finally, drink this," he pulled out a vial of black-ish green liquid, "it's a de-aging potion. You need to be 11 to begin your first year at Hogwarts and you are 14, I understand. Don't worry, your mind, thoughts and memories will stay the same."

" it pernament?" y/n asked, staring at the vial.

"It is but your mother understands and she is breaking the news to your family. Your friends will have to be obliviated of your memory."

"Wh-what? Why?" Y/n eyes filled with tears.

"It is too dangerous for them to know you. And if something should go is best for them to not remember you." Y/n stared at her feet and blinked away the tears. This should be the best day of her life, she gets to go to Hogwarts! But her friends won't have any memory of her or of any of their memories together.

"Drink up, we don't have all day." Snape said while holding out the vial. With shaking hands y/n took the potion and downed it like a shot. She began to feel nauseous and felt herself shrink a few inches. Her hair returned to they way it was a few years ago when she was 11 and so did her body. Y/n lost her teenage curves and the makeup disappered off her face. Luckily her clothes resized themselves to fit her new body, however y/n realised that it was Snape who did that when she saw his wand out.

"Lets go."


Snape and y/n approached the big front doors of the mansion. There were a couple of white peacocks strutting about the front lawn. Instead of knocking, the greasy haired professor walked straight in. Y/n had to catch the door before it closed and hurried in after him. The entrance room was vast. The floor had a pattern made of black and white marble and there was a big marble staircase leading to the rest of the house. Y/n spun around admring the decor. She had a inkling to who they were visiting snd she was itching with excitement. She whipped around as  she heard a door opening to see a man with long blonde hair and a woman with black and blonde hair.

"Ah, Severus," the man said and stepped forward to shake hands with the Professor.

"Lucius," Snape replied with a nod, "I'm here to get Draco."

Y/n's ears perked up at the mention of Draco Malfoy. She had read the books as a child but haven't had anything to do with the stories for years. However, the thought of him being real made her feel giddy with excitement. She was a part of the wizarding world too!

A blonde boy with a pale pointed face appeared by his father. He nodded to him and kissed his mother's cheek before walking over to y/n and Snape. He suddenly stopped when he saw y/n but she didn't notice the blush spreading over his cheeks.

"Draco, this is y/n l/n, Miss l/n, this is Draco Malfoy," Snape introduced the two 11 year olds and y/n held my hand out to him,

"Pleasure to meet you. And you Mr and Mrs Malfoy." Draco was still staring at y/n as Mrs Malfoy replied,

"The pleasure is ours, dear, and please call me Narcissa."

Y/n nodded polietly and was about to lower her hand, guessing that Draco thought that she was filth like he always acted towards people in the books, when Draco reached out and kissed it. Y/n's face flushed because she was not used to such formal greetings and her boyfriend had never done anything like this. 'Wait- Jordan! Was he obliviated of his memory of me too?'  Y/n took a step back and hurried out of the door. As soon as it slammed behind her she sat down on the steps and let the tears fall.


"L/n?" Y/n heard a voice from behind her and quietened down her sobs, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing Malfoy," she spat and stood up, wiping away her tears. Y/n wished that she hadn't let the three adults and Malfoy see her cry. 'As soon as we get to school he'll probably tell everyone!'

He looked at her with pity so she walked past him, bumping his shoulder out of the way. Draco was about to retort something snarky when the door opened and Narcissa and Snape appeared.

"Are you alright dear?" Narcissa asked gently.

"Yes, thank you," y/n answered.

"Yes, I understand. Being new to the wizarding world. Well, Draco," Narcissa said and turned to her son, "I will see you in a few hours. You know what to do, take some money out of the vault and complete your shopping. Your godfather will be supervising to make sure you don't do anything your father and I wouldn't. Understand?"

"Yes, mother." Malfoy replied.

"Take my arm," Snape said and held out his left arm to us. Y/n felt Malfoy's gaze upon her as she placed her hand on the professor's wrist. The whirling only began as Draco followed her lead.

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