chapter six - madam pomfrey's prisoner

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"There, look."


"Next to the tall kid with the red hair."

"Wearing the glasses?"

"Did you see his face?"

"Did you see his scar?"

Harry's first day at Hogwarts was filled to the brim with whispers and rumours. So was y/n's, except she didn't have to endure them. She was stuck in the Hospital Wing, still unconscious with a pale, pointed faced boy sitting beside her silenting willing her to wake up. He had skipped breakfast so Madam Pomfrey had given him a tray of food, but he hadn't touched a crumb.

"Mr Malfoy, I can't force you to eat but I will force you to go to class. Miss l/n will still be here, you can come visit her after class. Shoo!"

Very reluctantly, Draco stood up and with one glance back at y/n's bed, he stalked out of the Hospital Wing. However, seeing as he had skipped breakfast he didn't know which class he had or even what part of the castle he was supposed to be in. Uneasily because he didn't know exactly, he tried to make his way back to the Great Hall, replaying the directions McGonagall had given him the night before.

He rounded the corner and spotted the big doors ahead. Sighing thankfully, he pushed the doors open and came face-to-face with Snape.



"Where have you been? Your father will not be happy if he hears you're skipping meals."

"I'm not. I was just visiting a friend in Hospital." Draco replied, looking up at the professor straight in the eye, but cowering on the inside. In no way was he going to allow Snape to tell tales on him to his father.

"Miss l/n? I see, here is your timetable. You were supposed to be in Charms ten minutes ago" and with that, Snape left, his robes billowing out behind him. Draco sighed and looked around him before following the map on his timetable and rushing up the marble staircase. His eyes focused on the map, he didn't notice the first year Hufflepuff rushing down the same staircase, straight at him. They collided with a smack and the Hufflepuff was sent flying. Draco was flat on his back on the lower step. He jumped up as he heard a thump and stared at the girl below him.

"No!" he whisper-shouted and scrambled down. Blood was leaking through her hair and down her face.

"Merlin's beard!" he exclaimed and stood up. He rushed around the corner and saw Snape walking in the opposite direction.

"Severus!" he called and Snape turned around.

"I believe I told you to go to class, Draco."

"I was but I collided with someone. She's bleeding," Draco looked down at his hands which had the Hufflepuff's blood on them.


"Poppy!" Snape called out as he entered the Hospital Wing.

"Oh my! Another student? What happened this time?" the matron replied and hurried over to the bed that the professor had placed her on.

"Head injury. Mr Malfoy collided with her on his way to class. I have sent him just now. I have to get to my own class soon."

"Of course. Leave her with me."

Snape nodded sharply and left Madam Pomfrey to her patient.


The girl in the bed opposite y/n stirred. It was the day after her collision with Draco Malfoy. The matron hurried over to her, clutching a potion for the headache she was suffering from.

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