Part 4

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The class goes the same that it does every time. Veronica laughs way too hard at Jugheads jokes to the point everyone can tell she's being weird, Cheryl is gasping for attention any chance she gets, Jughead's arrogant and narcissistic, all of the bitches around him inflaming his ego even more. I can tell Veronica's slowly losing hope. But I also can tell she doesn't want to give this one up.

When Ms Mirsa dismisses us Veronica stays behind desperately trying to make small talk with Jughead and he slightly gives in. With every second that passes with them talking, shee looks more and more proud of herself, although I can't tell if he's actually vibing with her or just trying to be nice. He is a very nice, polite guy. He would never brush you of, or make you feel like shit. Even though you can tell he has a very high thinking of himself, he would never put others down. And he genuinely is a very good guy. Unlike other popular animals from our school he doesn't sexualise girls, he doesn't get drunk, he doesn't get in fights... He's just surrounded by a bunch of girls that are always all over him. I guess it's just a thing in his friend group. As I have said before flirting is like an inside joke for that group. Besides, he's not the one to blame for that. He is pretty good looking with his blue eyes, and his tall figure. And also, he has that special something. He's so charming I guess. He's really funny and always is very kind. That's exactly why I don't think he's bewitched by Veronica's spells. He's just being polite. That's just the way he is. I know him for a little longer than her, I know a few things about him. Although I do have to admit we never were close friends, I'm a good watcher. I know that sounds creepy, but just hear me out okay? As an outsider, you learn to be a good observer. When you're on the outside and your thoughts aren't clouded, you see things way more clearly.

I leave the classroom after purposely doing everything I possibly could to not walk out and leave Jones and V alone. I tried everything such as tying my shoe laces at least 5 times, repacking my bag pretending to always accidentaly leave out a notebook or a pen, I even tried stoping to put my bag down and take out my water bottle. I didn't really want to leave them alone for some reason. It just bothers me. For a moment I wish I was as bold as Veronica. I wish he was talking to me...

Wait... do I like Jughead?! No that's impossible. I don't like him. Do I? No I can't think like this, I can't do this to Veronica. No, I don't like him. I can't. She would never forgive me. I can't betray her like that.

After that I immediately walk out of the room and live them alone. That's exactly what I should be doing. Helping Veronica. I had my chance to tell her I liked him 10 days ago. When she told me he was her new target. She cares about me. She would easily give him up then. She wouldn't ruin a friendship. I didn't say anything back then, and now she's falling for him. This may be the first guy I've ever seen her actually fall for. I can't ruin this for her. I could never. She would never do that to me. I mean Jughead would never want me anyways. I'm a loser, a nerd. He is surrounded by these hot and popular girls. Veronica belongs there, with them. I don't and could never. No one can ever know about this. Ever. I can't tell anyone about this. That's the only way it will ever go away.
Finally around 3 pm I'm home. I walked home with my best friend Archie. Archie and I have been best friends since we were 4. We would always play outside together. You would think we'd grow apart, but we always stayed really close. I could always joke with him, and he would be there for me when I needed him to. But I could never trust him with secrets, he's kind of bad with keeping secrets. He wouldn't do it on purpose of course it's just the way he is.

Archie teases me a lot about my outfit, he said he caught some glares at me from the other guys. Of course he ends up teasing me I did it on purpose, to get a certain guy. Of course I deny it to death. I mean did I do this to impress Jug? Jug?! I'm already calling him Jug in my head what is up with me?!

Me and Archie go our separate ways when I start walking to my doorstep, and he starts walking to his.

And only then it strikes me. I could use Archie's help here. He is in Jugheads friend group. He is an outsider in the group, but he's still closer to him than me. Could I trust Archie with something like this? I don't know...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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