Chapter 4:Sunny Days

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I pulled up to the daycare,Jesus I'm late for work. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag,running to the front door. I really Hope Miss Whitley isn't here today,that lady is strict. I started working at a daycare after I graduated,it was good paying job and I liked it. I've always liked kids,I eventually wanted wanted to have some of my own. But for now,I guess I'll just take care of other people's kids. I tried to get inside as quick as I could without Miss Whitley noticing. "You're late again Jamila"she said,still looking down at the blankets. Okay,I kinda have a record of being late for work. It's never intentional,I just end up doing things before I got to work. Miss Whitley was the owner. She was from Georgia and moved up here when she got married. I would call her a southern bell,definitely a southern bell. She was a very sweet lady but was strict about how her business ran. "Sorry Miss Whitley,there was really bad traffic"I said walking into the office and getting ready for my shift. "Well you should wake up earlier than since there's bad traffic everyday"she said following me. Little does she know,my boyfriend was the real reason why I'm late for work. Another consequence of letting him get some. "I promise,it won't happen again"I said. "Jamila,you know I love you like a daughter but if you are late again,I will have to do something about it"she said. Miss Whitley was also a a very nice lady,to me at least. Even though she has favorites,she doesn't let them get out of line and I respect that. "Yes Ma'am,I won't be late again"I said. "Okay sweetie. This kids are getting ready for breakfast"she said. I nodded as she walked out. I sighed before walking into the main room,seeing the kids run in and sit at the table. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen,grabbing the box of pop tarts as my coworker Shelia came in the room. "Miss Whitley got on you again"she said going in the fridge and grabbing the packs of juice. "Yes she did"I said. Sheila was older than me,and annoying. She's kinda a butt kisser,does anything so people can like her. She does it to Miss Whitley and tried to do the same thing to me. Shelia is just eating for the one day that I fail so she can be on top. Which will not happen. "She has every right to,you've been late everyday for the past week"she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes,continuing to do my job. She slam the fridge door shut. "Just know,when you slip up. I'll be right there,to help Miss Whitley clean up the mess you made"she said grabbing the juices and walking out of the room. I rolled my eyes,she can try all she want. But it won't happen. I grabbed the box of pop tarts and walked out of the room,hearing the kids cheer from me and Shelia bringing out their favorite breakfast. In my opinion,this is not breakfast. A strawberry pop tart and orange juice,it's gonna make these kids bounce off of the wall. But Miss Whitley is my boss and I have to do what she says do. I also really need this job. I passed out the pop tarts as Shelia gave out out the juice,still giving me the biggest side eye in the world. I wasn't phased,she wanted something out of me and I wasn't gonna give it to her. After I finished,I threw away the box and went back to the office. My actual job description was to be a clerk. Make sure parents sign in,keep up with payments. Things of that nature. That meant sitting at a desk,waiting for parents to pick up and drop off kids. I was going through a pretty boring newspaper when I heard the front bell ringing,indicating that someone was walking through the front door. I looked up,smile growing on my face as my favorite parent and child walked through the door. "Good Morning Mr Knight,good morning Raven"I said as Mr Knight walked up to the desk with Raven in his arms and her bag on his shoulder. "I've told you this before Jamila,call me Simon"he said signing the sign in sheet. "And I've told you before,I'll stick to Mr Knight"I said as he chuckled. Mr Knight was a tall man,around six foot three. He was a big man,not buff but big. He was bald and had a light complexion. He seemed scary but he was a very sweet man. "Hi Miss Jamila"Raven said waving her small hand at me. "Hi Raven"I said smiling. Raven Marie or Raven was a cute little girl. She was 4 years old and small. She had the same complexion as he dad and curly sandy blonde hair that her dad put in a cute ponytail. She wore a cute pair of jeans and t-shirt. Overall this girl was cute. "I'll be back around 6:00,the normal"he said handing me her bag. "Okay,I'll see you then"I said with a smile. He bent down to Raven as she threw her small arms around his neck. He mumbled something in her ear,making her giggle. I laughed,I wish my dad would still make me laugh. "I love you baby girl"he said. "I love you too daddy"she said reaching up and kissing his cheek. He chuckled as he got up. "See ya later Jamila"he said walking towards the door. "See ya later,have a good day"I said as he walked it the door. Raven ran into the office,jumping in my arms. I grabbed her bag as I went to the play room. "I guess it's just me and you Ray"I said putting her bag up. "Miss Jamila,can you sing a song for me"she said. "How about,we play a little bit than I'll sing you a song"I said letting her down by the rest of the kids. She nodded as I chuckled. Who would've thought that work was fun

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