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Jada's POV
I started thinking about life in the tub I couldn't even focus on washing myself I was so drunk and loopy I started calling Trell's name but I realized I was calling his name in my head the bathroom was getting hot and hotter I instantly passed out I kept hearing voices it was Trell trying to get me out the tub "aye AYE AYE" my brain was moving in slow motion I couldn't do anything but smile and laugh he grabbed me out the bath and dried me off and took me to the hospital
Nurse pov
"Hey sweetie do you have family you would like to call "
I shook my head and said no and laid there with an iv in my arm and oxygen going in my nose
Jada POV
"You good do I need to call yo brother"
We all knew if he called my brother that was our ass but he knew I was sick
I shook my head no
C-call-call Naesia Trell called Naesia
Trell's pov
I called up Naesia
"Boy what the fuck what why you calling me tf"
Chill out yo friend inna hospital
"It's cause of that damn dick 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣"
I'm for real
"I'm coming up there"
I hung up
Naesia said she coming "what's wrong with me" the nurse comes into the room
Well honey I guess you got drugged
Yes honey you are high and you are also dehydrated, sir makes sure she gets a lot of water
Jada's pov
Ok so when can I go home
"In a few minutes"
My brother key walks in
My heart dropped instantly-

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