Party night?!

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Then I remember I had my location on then the nurse asked was I sexually active
I hurried up and said no
Keys pov
Sooo what happened
"I was at Trell's house because he said you forgot something and I fell I was trying to get up but I passed out and that's all I remember"
This girl bet no be fucking my friend I'll shoot they asses both worst thing that can happen is she gets pregnant
Trell's pov
Man I'm finna go imma see y'all later
"Ight fam"
Jada looked at me as I left I knew she was hurtin I couldn't be in the same room as my "bro" I felt as he would find out sooner or later I still know this shit no right
Jada's pov
Go get the doctor I wanna leave I wanna go nowwww I don't wanna stay here I wanna go home "Jada shut the fuck up what she tell you before I got here" I'm dehydrated and I got drugged " man alright I'm finna go get here man"
I got a text from Trell
Trell🍼❤️: I'm sorry
Me: how the fuck did he find out
Trell🍼❤️: because I told him,that lie you said was good imma come get you later
Me: just lay low I feel like he gone find out.
The nurse comes in
"Hey sweetie are we ready to go"
Yes come on I'm ready now
"Alright sign these papers and you can leave"
I read the papers slowly and reading every word for word I signed and my brother took me to our moms crib
" don't be playing with me if I find out you fuckin dude I'm beating the fuck outta you and I'm not fucking playing"
I started to cry
"All that stupid ass crying you doing that shit betta stop now get the fuck in the house"
I walked inside the house and laid on my bed all I could do was cry and text Trell
Me: baby he starting to catch on
Trell: yeah we can't see each other for a while
Naesia calls me
Naesia: girl I'm sorry I couldn't make it but OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR
I ran and unlocked the door and hugged Naesia
"So was you pregnant"
Girl he'll nah I was drugged and I need to drink more water but me and Trell can't see each other next week or for a couple of weeks but we can FaceTime "y'all so cute but what if key find out"
If key finds out we are dead and you gone have to hide if he find out
"Shidd I'm not in this shit"
Yes you is you know everything about me I cannot stress this enough he gone ask you a lot of questions and you better lie yo ass off even tho yo ass ain't bigger than mine but bitch lie till you ain't got no ass
Naesia laughed
"You wanna go to the mall later I know you feeling stressed we can get our nails and feet done"
Hell yeah
"Alright imma be back at 3pm "
I texted Trell as she left
Trell: ma?
Me: yeah?
Trell: I miss you
Me: meet me at the mall at 3pm and we gone be in the food court
Trell: yo brother gone be there too because that's where we meeting
Me: alright just come anyway
3pm comes
Naesia: girl bring yo ass outside
I started rushing to get dressed and put lotion all over my body And ran outside
"Yo fine ass brother at the mall whew weeeee momma"
I laughed, girl that ugly ass boy everybody and they momma like him but shit he is a dark nigga with dreads and he clean at that
"See that's why we love his ass"
I was wondering was Naesia crushing on my brother but shit I wasn't bothered
We walked in that mall
Niggas was staring
I had on white ripped jeans with a white tank top and Naesia had on a sundress
We both had on some lashes and the same Jordan 11s with grey glitter
Trell texts me
Trell: I see you😩
I didn't text back because I seen him
I walked over to my brothers key,king,jay they was all with Trell
I hugged all them like it was normal
Trell almost grabbed my booty but he knew my brothers was right there
"Hey key"
Naesia was blushing hard
All of a sudden the lights go dim
I start hearing gunshot
I make sure my bestfriend and brothers and Trell was out we all pulled off fast and met somewhere we could eat
We had a group chat together
"Where the fuck we eating at"
Me: y'all make up y'all fucking mind
Naesia:" damn y'all chill Lmfaoo"
Key: we going to Dave and busters
Me: finally damn we just going there to eat or we all playing games and eating
Key: we doing both but umm y'all paying for y'all selfs y'all crazy if y'all thought I was payin
Me: aww stfu
Trell: I'm inside already come on
Key: I'm finna be there in 20 minutes I'm at Kay getting a chain
King: y'all blowing my shit up I'm with key
Jay: im in the back of key car tired asf let me know what we can eat
Me and Naesia get there
Trell picks me up and kisses me
Naesia takes a picture of us
I hugged Trell so tight
My brothers walk in-

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