So, you're in the past

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So, you're in the past.


Cool, cool, cool.

No need to freak out...

Oh, who are you kidding? You're freaking the fuck out!

How do you know you're in the past?

Good question.

Maybe because of the giant buff hero standing a few metres away from the crowd you're in, who, the last time you checked, was dead!

But now he's here, alive... and standing a few metres away from the crowd you're in! You're panicking so badly that your jumbled thoughts are repeating themselves.

All Might. Toshinori Yagi. Close enough that you can clearly see him straining a smile as he waves to the crowd before dashing off.

You've heard a ton about this guy, not that you haven't done your own research, but Sensei was so passionate-

Your heart squeezes painfully at the thought of your sensei and a gasp escapes you as you come to the realisation that All Might could be your key to getting help.

And he literally just left-

You yelp, before throwing yourself forward and squeezing through the crowd. You can't lose him!

You break into a sprint as you finally get free from the crowd of people, some of which send you annoyed glares, which you ignore, you're on a mission now.

You head the direction you saw him jump off in, glad that your training is paying off, you can easily run for a couple of blocks without breaking a sweat.

You take note of the buildings, not recognising any of them, wrinkling your nose as you travel through the crowded streets. Not to say the future is an upgrade, but there have certainly been technological upgrades from whatever year it is here.

You will have to figure out what the year is, but it can't be more than twenty or thirty years back if All Might is still up and kicking ass.

Speaking of the blond superhero, where the hell did he go...?

You look left and right as you dash down the road, narrowly avoiding strangers who stop and stare as you pass.

You must be quite a sight, you think, noticing people's alarmed looks. You take a quick glance down at your clothes and feel a chill go up your spine.

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