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Toshinori at you, disbelief clear on his face. Without another word, he turns to look at Tsukauchi who is also staring at you with a shocked expression.

"Is she-"

"She's telling the truth." Tsukauchi confirms, voice trembling, "Toshinori, she's telling the truth. I don't know how this is possible but she's not lying."

An embarrassed heat comes to your cheeks at the two men continue to stare at you, at least they know you're not lying now?

"How..." Toshinori seems to be awe struck now, another user of One For All must be such an immense shock that you couldn't even consider understanding the emotions he must be feeling. You take another breath, clasping your hands together in a businesslike way and start your explanation.

"About twenty years in the future, give or take a few years, the number one hero is a man by the name of Deku." You can see pride shining in Toshinori's eyes and your mouth quirks up into a small smile as you continue, "He's got pretty much the most powerful quirk in the world and he's been top of his game for a while now. Then he meets a young girl who... who he says he sees potential in. He takes her under his wing, trains her, lets her in on his secret and gives her a powerful quirk, one that her body is only able to take after years of work."

Toshinori's eyes meet yours.

"That girl is me. Midoriya Izuku was my mentor, he gave me One For All and set me on the path towards becoming a hero."

"How did you end up here? If what you're saying is true, then what happened?"

Your smile fades and your face turns serious.

"Twenty five years in the future, something bad happens..." You grit your teeth, "I can't remember what it is, but..." You take another breath, this one less stable, "The fight ends with...Deku dying. I was there and I held his hand and I couldn't do anything to stop it and..." Your hands clench, now trembling, "The next thing I know is that I wake up now, twenty five years in the past, right next to a fight involving you, Yagi-San, on a day where something bad happens. That can't be a coincidence."

The two men share another look, one you can't read, so you just sit there quietly as they have their silent debate right in front of you. Tsukauchi raises an eyebrow and Toshinori nods, then they both turn back to you.

The car comes to a halt, startling Toshinori out of whatever he was going to do next.

"We must be here then." He unbuckles his belt and you slowly follow his example as he opens the car door. You can make out the pavement outside, the sun reflecting on it almost blinding you in comparison to being in this dimly lit car.

Toshinori gestures for you to leave first and you quickly obey, sliding your legs out first and hopping onto the clean pavement. For a moment you find yourself rather disoriented as Tsukauchi and Toshinori step out beside you, then you turn and are hit with a breathtaking sight.

"Wait- am I- am I going inside?" You stammer, staring up at the H-shaped glass building in front of you.

"You'll have to go in under my pass, but yes, we need to get to Nezu's office as quickly as we can." Toshinori walks beside you as Tsukauchi leads in a brisk pace to the entrance, "Just stand beside me and you'll be good to enter. Tsukauchi has clearance to take unauthorised personnel inside as long as two authorised adults are present."

So...cool. You're pretty sure your eyes are shining as you pass through the security gate, but this is no time for sightseeing, (Y/n)!

(You have to stop your jaw from dropping several times as you make your journey through U.A.)

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