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It's been some time since playlist and it's time for lights out tour. Juliet was on FaceTime with chase while she was packing. They've been talking a lot recently because Anthony is always busy or just completely ignores Juliet. She didn't do anything wrong and she was so confused, but left it alone to avoid any drama or fights. She held up a yellow cropped cami to chase to get his opinion. "That would look so dope with medium wash jeans and some yellow vans." She nodded and thanked him for the help. "So have you talked to him at all today?" He raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his koolaid. Juliet frowns at chases question. "No, its what 6 pm and he still hasn't texted or called."

She knows that he has a busy life, they all do, but she expects a "good morning" or "I'm busy today." Chase pointed to something behind her and laughed. "Is that my hoodie?" She looks and it's his purple champion hoodie. Juliet hops up and throws it on. It's huge on her small figure. Chase takes pictures of her and smiles. "Everything is gonna be okay, but hurry up and finish packing."

Two hours. Two whole hours is how long it took her to finish packing. Chase had to leave about 30 minutes ago so she called Payton. He helped her with outfits and when she finished he started packing. "That shirt is so sick." He was holding up this button down shirt with blue flowers all over it. She picked up her phone and brought it downstairs with her so she could make some ramen noodles.

Her mom walked in and saw Payton on Juliet's phone and smiled. "Hi baby." Payton waved back at her and smiled. It was a weird thing what Juliet and Payton's parents had for each of the kids. Her mom absolutely loved Payton and his mom absolutely adored Juliet. They've always said that the two would end up growing old together and that's most likely true. The two grew up together and will forever be friends. Juliet and her mom talked to Payton as she ate her noodles until a certain notification popped up that made her jump. She read out loud "hey. sorry I was hanging out with my friend today." Payton rolled his eyes. "I don't buy it. Juliet he's been doing this all week." She sighs and texts Anthony back.

hey. sorry I was hanging out with my friend today.

seriously? you've been hanging out with them all week. :/

yeah and? it's my friend.
chill out w all dat 👋🏻😂

did you have fun atleast?

yeah we went to the movies

that's great baby ☺️ I'm talking to Payton right now so I'll ttyl💙


Juliet told Payton about the conversation and it kinda made her think. During playlist he was always disappearing to "talk to his hometown friend," but Cynthia was always going with him. Chase and Cynthia just broke up over this suspicious activity which makes Juliet worry. "Hey pay, you don't think Anthony would cheat on me , right?" Payton choked on his water, "What?" Juliet bit her lip. "During playlist him and Cynthia were sneaking around and I don't know it just makes me think."

Payton and Juliet continued talking for some time until she got tired. They ended the call about an hour ago. She was watching her favorite show (the vampire diaries). It was so sad and she began to cry a ton. It was a great show and it got her in her feels every time. She kept watching the show until she fell asleep. Soon it would be time for lights out to begin and for her to see Anthony again. She was excited, but it was different this time. Juliet didn't know what she was gonna do, but she couldn't do nothing.

Authors note !!
Welcome back!! I know, I know. I've been gone forever and I haven't updated in a gazillion years, but it's all okay. I'm back now and I have even more ideas. Do we want her to continue with Anthony or fall in love with someone else? 👀  I got writers block for awhile and then I had to go into the hospital because of some personal issues, but please forgive me and I'll try to create an uploading schedule ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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