Run Away

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I bring all important things in my bag. I already decided to go on a vacation and nobody know about it including my parents.

The thing is, I need to passed the guards to get out from this palace.

I wore a big black hoodie to cover my face so that no one would recognize me.

With a careful step I finally surpassed the guard. Now, I just need to cross the high palace fence.

Guess what? I'm glad that I learned ballet and gymnastics because those are very useful for me to escaped from this palace!

The taxi already waiting for me outside the palace. I'm still covering my face to avoid being noticed by the taxi driver.

After arrived at the airport, I had to wait about 3 hours because my flight was at 5:45 am. It's ok, as long as i can run.

Incheon International Airport, South Korea.

Woah ... So, this is Korea? It's really different from my country!

Korea is so cold because of the snow. Luckily I brought my big jacket in the bag.

So, the first thing I need to do ... Find a place to stay!

There are many beautiful scenery for me to enjoy.

Well ... my decision to go to Korea are brilliant!

Good bye Princess life! Now, I'm just ordinary girl!

Well... I'm kinda busy lately. Pls vote or comments if there's any grammar errors. As you all know, English not my first language!

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