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"Tae! No!"


"Tae! I said no!"

"But i love this one too! This color is so perfect for our baby!"

"Are you serious right now?! You already bought so many Gucci baby clothes! Stop wasting!"

"I used my own money! Plus, this is for our baby..."

"I know Tae. But we've bought almost 100 Gucci baby clothes!"

"It's not a big deal." Taehyung kept picking baby clothes at the Gucci store.

This guy is totally insane!

After 4 hours in the shop, we finally left.


"Woah ... You look so happy when we get out of there." He mocking me.

"Can we get some cheese cake?"

"Cheese cake? Sure ..." Taehyung pitched my cheek and held my hand.

During my pregnancy, Taehyung always spoiled me with food.

He also get up at 3 in the morning to get me the food i'm craving for.

Every night he would massage my feet before we both slept.

No words and express how much I love this guy!

"Is it delicious?" Taehyung asked as he watched ate the cheese cake.

"Yeah! It's very delicious!" I replied with a full mouth.

"More delicious than me?"he raised his eyebrow.

"Eww...Your daddy gross..."i hugged my stomach and laugh.

"You're so cute..." Taehyung chuckled then wiped my mouth.

"You want some?" I asked Taehyung.

"It's ok, you can have it." He patted my head.

I smile and finished the cheese cake happily.

"Quickly finish the cake. I want to bring you somewhere." Said Taehyung.



We left the mall and walked towards our car.

"It's already dark. Did you already tell eomma and appa about bringing me to that place?"

"Don't worry... I already tell them."

Taehyung's parents really love me. They are always worried that if something will happen to me especially in my pregnancy.

I enjoy the beautiful night view of Seoul.

Then I realized Taehyung was bringing me to out from city and now we are in dark forest.

"Where are we?"i asked him but Taehyung just get out from the car.

I quickly out from the car and follow him from behind but it's really hard because i'm damn 5 month pregnant!

"Tae! Wait...I'm tried..."He turned and looked at me.

"Sorry...I'm forgot that you 5 month pregnant." He chuckled and wait for me.

"Really Tae?! How can you forget?!"

"I'm sorry..."he leaned down and kiss my lips.

He hold my hand and we both entered the forest which is not a good idea, maybe?

We walked together until we saw light infront of us that came from the campfire.

There's all BTS

"OH MY GOD!! I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!"i excitedly run towards them all

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"OH MY GOD!! I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!"i excitedly run towards them all.

"We miss you too! Y/n!"Namjoon said with smile that showed his beautiful dimples.

"Aww... You're so cute when pregnant. You became more chubby..."Jin pinched my cheeks.

"Yeah...Now we have same chubby cheeks! Finally! I'm not alone anymore!" Jimin happily looked at me.

"But trust me, you're really cute with that baby bump. Can i touch it?"Asked Jungkook.

"Sure Jungkook, why not?"

Jungkook smile and began tu touch my baby bump gently.

"Hello baby! It's me! Your muscular and handsome uncle here!"

"You should say, muscular bunny but cute uncle."Yoongi mocked him.

"Hyung, dont."

"Why? It's really suit you..."

"Baby...Please don't be like rude uncle Lil Meow meow over there..."said Jungkook and make me laugh. This guy so hilarious!

"You ungrateful fucker! How dare you called me that!!"Yoongi started to yelled at Jungkook.

"Ok guys...Stop it...I don't want our precious baby heard this."Taehyung tried to make them calm.

"I'm gonna smacked you!"

"Try me hyung! Let see who smack first!"

"Guys! Enough! Can you guys stop fighting?!"Jin gave them his deadly glared.

"But Yoongi hyung start first!"

"I know Jungkook, but you should to calm down. Can you?"Namjoon sighed while looked at them two.

"Ok, hyung. I'm sorry..."said Jungkook with his pouted mouth.

"Ok! Let's celebrate tonight!"said Taehyung happily tried to fix the situation.

We ate and drink together while talked to each other. It's been whike we haven't meet like this.

This moment...Is the moment i will always cherish in my life.

I can't believe i'm living my life now. It's too perfect for me! I'm really happy and enjoy my life with my love one.

*The End*

It's already finished!! I repeat! This story already finished!!! Omg! I can't believe it!! Oml!! I hope you guys really enjoy this story. I know there's so many mistakes and typos. For those that supports me, my god! I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!💜🥰

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