Lesson One: Acceptance

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It was spring, the smell of freshly bloomed flowers and sunshine and dew clung to the air. Everything seemed right, a beautiful begining from a harsh winter. I clutched my books close to my chest, breathing in and out.

I'm finally here.

I'm finally here.

Let me repeat that.

I'm finally here!

The university sat in front of me, wide arrays of people flooding in and out of the large gates. People chatted here and there, others met up with long lost friends, some already examining their schedules. I looked around, hoping to find if there was an information booth anywhere nearby.

Luckily, there was. A boy with blond hair held a green and black flag on one hand, waving it around in the air, the other held a microphone.

"Welcome newbies!" He called out through it, a warm smile on his tan face. A few people crowded around him, younger than the other crowds, dazed and confused as I was. Perfect way to blend in. I marched over towards them, brushing away strands of my flying brown hair, placing them where they should be.

 He handed me a quick smile before being swamped with more newbies. Giving him a warm grin back, I made my way inside of the large brick building, books still clutched to my chest as I breathed in and out. Making my way to the office, I peeked inside, forgetting my manners ( as I was far too excited ).

The secritary glanced up from her work, placing scattered pieces of paper back on her desk. Her hazel eyes bore into me, at first glance she was someone you'd learn to stray away from. Raven black hair, a stern glare and a crinkle of her nose. She radiated disgust and pride.

"Clooney, April Clooney." I introduced myself, making my way deeper into the room, taking one step slowly as if it would be my last. My eyes darted over towards her plaque, name plastered on it like a warning sign.

Laura Woods Secretary it read.

She glanced down at her papers, looking a bit flustered as she picked up each and every paper, examining it till she finally found the one she was looking for. She raised it up at the air, reading the very top of it.

"Ah," Laura exclaimed, glancing at me. She picked up her glasses, sitting on the table, placing them on the crok of her nose. "April Clooney, here for literature, fine arts and a bunch of other things." She rambled, her formality seeming to have vanished. "Come closer darling," she told me, raising an arm and gesturing for me to come closer.

And I do.

She handed me a bronze key, rusted at the edges and cracked at the top where the hole bore. Then she handed me a few other papers. One with my courses, another with my schedule, and a few other minor things. "I think you'll do wonderfully at this school." She said with a very crooked smile, showing off one yellowish tooth. "Just stay out of trouble and everything will go well for you."

With that, I left off, the key tucked neatly in my pocket, I glanceda at the piece of paper sitting right at the top of the stack she gave. It showed a picture of a girl. She had hair blond hair, a kind smile, freckles and storm blue eyes.

Vanessa Hughs the title read. I scanned through the whole paper, finding out that she was going to be my roommate.

Spending an hour or two just walking around the halls, trying to see as much as I can. Looking lost but not quite so. It was such a beautiful sight! After going through all the hard work, after studying so late at night, after cramming for all the tests, I've finally arrived at the university.

I stop and stare, after wandering around the halls for so long, I've finally come to a stop.

Room 218

With a smile, I slipped the key into the whole, twisting it till I heard the satisfied click that signaled it was open. Pushing it lightly, I crept inside. Everything was nicely kept, no one inside yet. The floors were dusted, the bunk beds and blankets on top neatly folded, the desks all cleaned out by the last person who used it. It may have been small but it was perfect in my eyes.

 I settled in, hanging my clothes inside the closet, putting up my books and other things. Fifteen minutes into my "room redecorating" phase, the door swung open.

"Hello roomie!" Vanessa exclaimed, storming into the room with a big fat titnium colored luggage in tow. Her free hand was in the air, waving around frantically. Her blue eyes locked on my brown ones. "And you must be April! Right?"

I nodded a an answer, going back to placing my teddy bears on the bottom bunk bed.

"Well, good to meet you! The name is Vanessa," she said with a tone a tad bit too cheerful for my tastes.

Yeah, good friends. I guess all I can do is accept the fact that she'll be forever this loud. I thought with a roll of my eyes.

I hung up my last piece I had in hand. A poster my brother Nicholas gave me.

It wasn't anything so spectacular. Just a picture of me and him. We had our "win" smiles on, his arm draped around me and me holding my certificate and wearing my graduation hat.

Accept the errors,

Accept the challenge,

Accept the trials,

Just remeber in the end, it'll all go alright.

Those were once his words. After he'd achieved his dream of becoming an artist, I guess they turned to mine. And I do plan to keep it that way. To lead myself all the way to the top. To become the one thing I've always waned to be. A writer.

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