Muichiro × Moon Pillar Reader

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(A/n: I'm back and I'm here to write a new singular chapter. Crucify me if you must, or if you mist because Muichiro is a mist pillar, get it?)

Title: Interest
Requested By: chimchimdamochijm

(His timeline is going to be when Muichiro doesn't regain his memories yet, because I haven't read the manga. Yes, I'm trash like that.)

The mist pillar, Muichiro Tokito was cold and harsh, he only spoke when he needed or felt like it. Everyone around him knew that no one would probably catch his interest.

With a guy who always seemed like he was in his own world, in his own little orb unbothered by what was happening around him, how will someone be of his interest?

And yet, as much as he hated the thought of something as pointless as this, he was interested in someone.

Someone who'd often pass by while he was training, someone who'd seem like an open book but beneath that friendly exterior lies her orbs that was filled with mystery.

He wanted more, more knowledge about the mysterious woman, more knowledge about the moon pillar, Y/n L/n.

Other than that, as annoying as it was,  his heart seemed to pound harder than he was accustomed to. It felt like it was going to burst out of his chest the moment he comes close to you.

Were you a disease? That thought often crossed his mind.


"Ah! You didn't have to Kocho-san." You hesitated as the butterfly pillar surprised you with a box of cake.

"It's for working hard, Y/n!" She smiled, her smile laced with something fishy but you decide not to press any further.

As you were going on your way, you hear a faint whisper from the butterfly pillar, loud enough for only her to hear.

'S-sketchy...' You thought.

The box was pretty hefty for a cake, can you even finish all of this in one sitting? Maybe you'll store the leftovers in the fridge or something.

Passing by the training grounds, you see the mist pillar training quite hard,  sweat beads rolling down from his forehead and a slight furrow from his brows. He was quite the dedicated lad, wasn't he? Truth was, you barely had any time to get to know all the pillars, including the mist pillar.

You looked at the box of cake and an idea lit up inside your head like a light bulb. You approached the boy who quickly noticed you and was quite clearly startled.

"Good afternoon, Tokito-san. I thought I'd share you some cake if you're interested." You greeted, gulping at how awkward that conversation starter was.

Oh well, carpe diem.

He stared at you for a moment and then at the box, and then back at you. The atmosphere was slowly getting unsettling and your anxious heart cannot handle it. You start to wonder what level of stupidity have you sank down to for inviting someone as listless as the mist pillar.

"Sure. I guess I can take a short break." He replies nonchalantly.

'Oh, thank heavens. I thought we were just going to stare at each other until one of us gets a stroke.' You jokingly thought to yourself.

The mist pillar was down to eat at the training grounds but since that was pretty sad you decide to offer the picnic table outside. Truth be told, he was down wherever as long as it's with you.

"Mmpf- You know, you should start eating your slice now or else your appetite will die down." You informed, the cake inside your mouth slightly muffling your voice.

The cake was heavenly. It was soft, sweet, chewy, and moist. The taste was dancing on your tongue and every bite you were only craving more.

(A/n: God I hate that word, moist.)

"No, I'm fine with watching." He replied without giving any thought to what he just said.

"W-what? No, seriously have a bite, it tastes good!" You urged him, shoving a spoonful of the cake into his mouth.

The corner of his lips formed into a small smirk making you smile as well. That's the first or second time you've ever seen him smile. Making him smile was like winning the lottery.

"You know, I've always thought of you as slightly shady," He started. "Maybe, it's because of your [eye color] eyes."

You laughed hard at his comment, that's the first time someone commented about you being strange because of your eyes and it was hilarious. I mean, just how absurd was that?

"What do my eyes say then?" You tease, slowly getting your face closer to the mist pillar until it was only inches apart.

"Y-y/n," Muichiro stutters, pink hue spread across his cheeks. "Can you move your face away, please?"

You follow his request but not after laughing hysterically at his reaction. What an adorable lad.

"Calling me by my first name already, eh?" You press him further, this time he doesn't blush and stays nonchalant. You may have made him mad but he was still so cute.

(A/n: If you don't know, in Japan, calling someone by their first name is a big deal.)

"You're quite weird, Y/n-san. We're allies after all, it's good if we'll get along. Perhaps, you were assuming something else?" He lied. It was a complete fabrication from the truth but it managed to fool you and make you beet red.

"W-w-what?! No way. Ofcourse, M-Muichiro." You stutter.

There was no way you were going to tell a soul but yes, you may or may not have feelings for the lad.

Hint: You do.

"Thank you for the cake, Y/n," He turns his back away, while pointing to the training ground. "I'm going back now."

'Augh, I barely made any progress.' You somberly thought.

Little did you know that Muichiro's smile right now could put the sun to shame, if he only regained his memory, maybe he'd be jumping in joy or celebrating, maybe even invite you somewhere.

One thing was for sure though, the mist pillar's interest for you wasn't fleeting.

"It all worked out in the end, good job, Shinobu." The butterfly pillar from behind the bushes, whispered to herself.

The girl couldn't believe that a flawed plan like that can actually work in real life. Someday, you would need to thank Shinobu for being your cupid.

Oh wow. This is bad. Sorry.

I tried to think of ways to make this story have much more sense but I have writer's block and this is all my feeble brain can produce.

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