Chapter 17: Awkward

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Angel's POV:

Today started off bad when Dad and some people started coming for Riley because he went to prison. But things turned around when Keisha and I stuck up for him. Then Riley and Andre wanted to play tricks on me and Kacey by buying us vibrating panties. I almost got in trouble with Luna. But Riley talked to her and apologized when I told him I didn't want him doing that. Then things went too shit fast when Brodrick showed up. I was in shock. I watched as he entered the house. Everyone greeted him. I shook my head. Lena is this is bad. Nah duh. This is insane. Your ex and current boyfriend in the same house in the same room. Brodrick came over and hugged me. "Hey babygirl." He said. He tried to kiss me but Dad cleared his throat. "Excuse me Brodrick but I was in the middle of a toast." He said. "Oh my bad." Brodrick said.

Brodrick took the chair next to Kacey and moved it next to me. Lord Jesus please help me. I had Riley on my left and Brodrick on my right. I felt so uncomfortable. I felt feel Riley's body heat next to me. I know he was mad that Brodrick was here. As my Dad finished his toast, Keisha drew the attention back to Brodrick. "Brodrick what are you doing here?" She asked. "Yeah I thought you were leaving today?" I asked, through gritted teeth. "I was but I had them give me extra days. You becoming a Beta? I knew I have to be here for it." He said. "Yay." Kacey said, sarcastically. "Kacey why don't you like me?" He asked. "Because I can't stand you." She said, harshly. "Kacey." Mama said. "Mama it's true. I don't like him." She said. Mama glared at her. "You know that's not nice." She said.

Kacey looked down. "Wow." Brodrick said. Then he looked over at me. Then he furrowed his brows. "Wait. Haven't we met already?" He asked. I turned around to see him talking to Riley. He looked up. "Who me?" He asked. "Yeah. I feel like I seen you before." Brodrick said. Riley just sat there. "I get around a lot." He said. Brodrick stared at him til he gasped. "You that dude from the news. You went to prison for-" I cut him off. "Brodrick this is supposed to be a good day. We're having positive vibes today." I said. "Sorry. I'm just saying. Oh yeah. I also seen you at the club in Barcelona." He said. I screamed internally. Riley looked at him. "Brodrick." I said. "What? He was there. I remember his so clearly. Angel you were-" I cut him off by covering his mouth. "Shut up Brodrick!!" I said. He was ready to tell on me. "Okay let's eat because I'm hungry." Andre said. "Yes. Please." Keisha said. "Brodrick would you like a plate?" Mama asked. "Oh I can get it. Thank you though." He said.

He got up and walked away. I looked at my food and picked at it. I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. I felt Riley grab my arm roughly. I looked at him. "What is HE doing here?" Riley asked, angrily. "I don't know. I didn't know he was gonna be here." I hissed. "Oh yeah. Angel thanks so much for inviting me to dinner." Brodrick said. He started to kiss me but I casually turned away. "Umm when did I invite? Cause I didn't." I said. "Remember? When I visited yesterday? You told me you were becoming a Beta." He said. I screamed internally. "Okay but I remember clearly that you were going back to Barcelona. I thought you had an exam to take?" I asked. "I had them give me more time to study." He said. "Great." Kacey muttered. I looked over at Riley. I could see the anger and aggravation on his face. I was upset too.

I was in a good mood til Brodrick showed up. It was hella awkward having your ex and current boyfriend sitting beside you. I felt extremely uncomfortable. I looked at Riley. He ate his food peacefully but I know his blood was boiling underneath. Brodrick came back and sat down beside me. Riley looked at us then put his arm behind my chair. Brodrick tried to do the same but Riley's arm was blocking him. He looked at it. "Excuse me man. Can I have my arm there? I wanna an arm around my girl." He said. "No." Riley said, harshly. "His arm hurts so it's there." I lied. Riley looked at me. Brodrick shrugged then put his arm around my shoulders. I heard a low growl. As everyone ate the food, they talked. I didn't do much talking. I didn't want to. I looked up at Kacey for help on what to do. She was too busy talking to Andre. I looked around for Keisha but she was talking to Mama. I was all alone on what to do.

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