A New Friend

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Isadora fixed her eyes on him while her heart raced in her chest. That sharp object.....why did he remove it...?

The captain lifted it slowly in a menacing way.

"Ah!!!!" she cried as she closed her eyes.

When she did not feel anything stabbing her after a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes and saw that the sharp object was a spoon. It was turned upside down and he had now buried it into the soil...

"Why did you scare me like this???" she cried out, looking shocked.

He looked at her blankly for a few instances and resumed back to what he did a moment ago-the lifting and burying of his spoon into the soil game. Honestly! Why was he trying to scare her like this? And from where did he get that spoon? He must have taken it from the table in the dining room.

"Okay," Isadora said with a sigh, trying to appear calm, "My name is Isadora. What's your name?"

Plack! Plack!

He lifted the spoon and buried it in the soil once again and ignored her.

"Hello???" she called, waving her hand in front of him, "Captain?"

He ignored her again.

"Ok," she said, "How are you doing?"


She waited but there was no response...

"Okay....so um....did you see the second lake? It's at the back of the hospital."

Once again, he remained silent.

"My favorite color is white, what's yours?" Isadora asked, this time hoping for some communication....but she was wrong...

At this, she lost patience!

"Oh come on!!!" Isadora yelled, "Even a three years old kid would be able to answer that!!!!"


It seemed that he was not noticing her presence there.

"Arrggghhhh!!!!!!" she shouted before leaving.

She barged inside her doctor's office and yelled:

"He's A SHELL!!!!!"

"Hahahahaha!" her doctor laughed, standing up from his chair, "You lost? So quickly?"

"Wait, what?" she asked, looking confused.

"It was a challenge actually" he replied calmly, "When you decided that you will help him I started thinking that it could be a challenge for you. I was trying to see if you could actually make him talk and interact normally but..."

"Hey, you did not tell me it was a challenge!" Isadora retorted, glaring at him.

"Really?" he asked in a puzzled tone with frowned eyebrows.

"Yeah, really" she repeated.

"Oh ok" he shrugged, "Now you know."

"What do I get if I win?" she asked.

"Um...let me think..." he looked at the roof in a pensive way and removed a piece of paper from his drawer, "A coupon for Elegant Fashion."

"What would I...." she stopped dead and looked at him with enormous eyes, "Isn't that...."

"Yes, that's it" the doctor nodded with a smirk, "The coupon which gives you 60% off on any item in that famous shop...ANY item..."

"Where did you get that from?" she asked him with a stunned look on her face.

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