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Sorry we just need a minute to appreciate this drawing.. okay anyway.. This is a request from lavendersunite sorry for the wait guys this week has been pretty hectic. Also warning ⚠️ there will be some blood..Enjoy!

Zak's POV

Hi, I'm Zak and I was born... different. See when I was born I was born with these little angel wings. They grew when I did and soon enough got pretty big.

As I kid I never really cared about my wings. I actually thought they were kinda cool, until I hit 7th grade. We got this new kid in 7th grade, at first I thought nothing of it. I never really talked to them until one afternoon during lunch, I was kind of introverted so I would eat my lunch in the library with my friend Vincent and at one point I looked over to the table behind us and saw the new kid sitting at a table with all the buff scary kids.

The new kid was also pretty buff and intimidating which was why it was weird to see them in a library. Suddenly I caught the eye of the new kid and he mouthed, "Meet me in the bathroom." Like I told you I was a very introverted kid so I was really hesitant about responding. Finally I nodded and told Vincent that I would be right back.

When I got to the bathroom the new kid was already there, leaning against the wall with a devilish grin on their face. "Y-You wanted me h-here?" I mumbled. The new kid slowly walks towards me and grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

I look at the guy with horror in my eyes. "What do you want!" I managed to choke out. He smiled that devilish grin again and said, "So you're angel boy huh?" Completely ignoring my question. "I don't know why people think you're so cool," He scoffed. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face. People think I'm cool? "When really," He continued. "You're just a useless piece of shit!" With that, he threw my down to the ground and everything around me went black.

I woke up in the nurses office, my head was pounding and there was blood on the pillow. The nurse comes over to me and asks, "Hey Zak, do you remember anything that happened before you blacked out?" I laid my hand on my head and responded saying, "T-The new kid told me to meet him in the bathroom then he said 'I don't know why people think you're so cool' and he slammed me on the ground." The nurse nodded, writing something on a piece of paper. "Is that it?" She asked. I nodded and she walked away.

Ever since that day I have hid my wings. I bought oversized hoodies and shirts to hide their existence. My mom always tells me that they are beautiful and that I don't need to hide them but I never listened.

And now, fast forward to high school, nobody but Vincent remembers that I have wings.

Darryl's POV

My friend nudges me and points to my crush. "Ooo look it's zaaaak~" They tease. I playfully push them. "Shut up." My friend laughs. "You should really talk to him. What's the worse that could happen?" They ask. "Well.. let's see. My crush of 3 years could reject me and put me in a state of pure depression. Oh that's nothing," I wave my hand sarcastically. My friend rolls their eyes. "Or it could work out in your favor. You never know unless you try." I think about it then nod. "Fine. I'll do it at free time." My friends face lights up. "Yes!" They celebrate.

*time skip to free time*

I take about 14000 deep breaths to prepare myself. I start walking up to him with my friend right behind me. "I can't do this," I say freaking out and turn around. "Oh no you don't." My friend twirls me back around and pushes me toward Zak. "Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness," I mumble. Suddenly my friend whispers, "You got this." Then they give me one last push and walk away.

I'm right next to Zak. He looks over to me and smiles. "Hi!" He says happily. I feel my face burn up as I respond. "H-Hi I'm Darryl." He smiles even wider making my face heat up even more. "I'm Zak," He replies holding out his hand. I try to casually shake his hand without making it obvious that I'm literally internally screaming.

We get to talking and I ask, as casual as possible, "would you like to have lunch with me on Saturday?" Zak's face turns pink. A million thoughts flood my head, some bad some good. "Sure! What time?" At that moment all the weight in my body leaves and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. "Uhh 12:30?" I mange to get out. "Perfect!" He grabs my hand and slides a piece of paper in between my fingers. He then says, "Call me." And just then the bell rings.
Wow this was way longer than most of my chapters! I will be doing a part two so be looking forward to that and I just want to thank lavendersunite again for the awesome request! Thank you muffins for almost 20k views on this story. It just makes me so happy. Anyway I love you muffins and Ill be back for part 2! Bai!

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