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Hey everyone! I'm soooo sorry for not updating in such a long time. Holidays got in the way... anyway this will be a pretty triggering and the characters (mostly Darryl) will not act like they normally do so please don't come at me. There will be swearing and I'll warn you when it gets to a triggering part. Enjoy!

Zak's POV

I get out of the car and walk up to the sidewalk where Darryl is already standing. He grabs my hand and we walk into the club. As soon as we open the door my ears are filled with the sound of loud blasting music and people yelling. I held Darryl's hand tighter, scared of being separated from him.

"You ready?" He asked, having to yell over all the other noises. I hesitantly nodded as he started walking over to the bar on the far right of the room.

I sat down on one of the bar stools as Darryl ordered a drink for himself. He kept bugging me to order something but I just responded with, "We need a sober driver." Finally he stopped bugging me and took a huge chug of whatever drink he had.

A little later, after Darryl had finished maybe two and a half drinks and was pretty tipsy he said, "I'm going to go dance-" slurring all his words. I was a bit scared but sent him off with a kiss. I watched him walk to the front of the crowd and then he disappeared.

*time skip*

It had been about an hour and I was getting sick of this place. I thought for sure if I stayed there any longer I would go deaf. I got up to go look for Darryl. I had to squeeze through a lot of big sweaty people dancing. I finally got to where I saw Darryl last and what I saw made me feel so many different feelings I couldn't even explain. Darryl was kissing- no making out, with another boy!

My heart dropped. I tried to tell him to get away but it was like the words were trapped in my throat. I walked up to Darryl, grabbing his wrist and pushing the other guy back. "Hey what the hell?" Darryl yelled. I felt like I was going to start crying but I pushed through it and made my way through all the sweaty people once again and out the door.

It felt so good to get out of that hell hole but it still sounded like music was blasting in my ears and I still could feel the bass coursing through my bones.

I turned to Darryl. When I saw his face I didn't know what emotion to feel. Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Instead I just pulled him over to the car and threw him in the passenger seat.

I start driving home, tears threaten my eyes as I play back the scene in my head. Darryl stayed silent the entire ride home.

I know I know, 'Jeez calm down he's drunk he probably didn't mean it' Listen here! I bet you've never been through the thing I just went through and if you have, I'm very sorry for you it's the worst feeling ever and I wish I could give you a hug.

Anyway, we continued to drive home both staying very quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the other cars on the road.

We finally make it back home and I get out of the car with Darryl not far behind me. I stomp to the front door and unlock it very aggressively. I took my shoes off and stomped my way to the couch. When I made it to the couch I started bawling.

Darryl walked over to me. "Why are you crying?" Darryl asked in an almost annoyed tone. I calmed down my crying enough to choke out, "What do you mean 'why am I crying'?" I sniffled, looking up at Darryl. "You cheated on me!" I yelled. "Well maybe if you weren't so stupid I wouldn't have!" He yelled back. For a second I couldn't breath, I didn't have enough strength to say anything. Finally I said, "Maybe if you listened to me and didn't get drunk!"

He looked at me almost like he was offended. "Well maybe if you weren't worthless!" That was the last thing he yelled before stomping out of the house.

My vision got blurry and I started crying once again. I stood up off the couch and hit my hand on the wall right next to the bathroom door. "I am worthless!" I yelled, between sobs. I opened the door to the bathroom and planted my hands on either side of the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. "God! I'm so fucking stupid!" I slammed my hands down on the corners of the sink.


In the corner of my eye I saw a razor. I hesitated but soon grabbed it placing the sharp end of it on my wrist. I slowly slid the blade across my wrist taking in all the pain. In a way it felt...nice.

After maybe a dozen more cuts on each arm I started feeling woozy. I was loosing to much blood. I went to turn on the water to rinse off the cuts but I was too weak, instead I fell to the floor. "I..hope you find...someone less....worthless." I breathed out before the whole world went...black.
Hi everyone!! Sorry for this chapter I just felt like I needed to have a chapter like this. Also it was really long-almost 1000 words! Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Although even my heart hurt while writing this. Poor Zakie~ Anyway love you muffins! I'll try updating more! ❤️

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