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(Y/n) : Your name
(L/n) : Last name
(G/n) : Goddess name
(Y/n/B) : Your name Backwards
(BF/n) : Best Friend's name
(H/c) : Hair color
(E/c) : Eye color
(DE/c) : Demon Eye color
(S/c) : Skin color
(H) : Height
(H/l) : Hair length

Hello. My name is (Y/n) (L/n) but I'm also known as (G/n) in Aztec history. I am a dragon goddess, who is also half demon, and the ruler of the dragon world. I'm worshiped by Aztec mortals for granting them the gift of (any element: water, air etc.). It took awhile to earn my spot on the throne so let me give you a short backstory.

My dragon father, Tatsuo, was the ruler of the dragon world. He was the most innocent soul you'll ever meet. He was kind to everyone and everything, no matter what they did. He saved many many lives and had better morals than anyone else. He was like everything good and pure in the world as a living thing. My demon mother, Rika, was the ruler of the demon world. She was the exact opposite of my father. She enjoyed the sight of innocent people suffering. She was very cruel and hurt many many lives, emotionally and physically. She was like everything bad and evil in the world as a living thing. Although they were completely different, they loved each other more than anything.

Where I come from, parents take care of their children for the first 13 years then let them fend for themselves so that they could learn how to survive by themselves. My parents' love created my older sister, Mitsuko. My parents both had lots of disagreements on how to raise her. My father wanted to raise her to be an even better person than him, more pure and heroic. But my mother wanted to raise her to become an evil, vicious ruler. My father managed to convince my mother into raising Mitsuko in the light of good (since she didn't inherit any demon qualities) and "promised" my mother that if they had another child then he'll let her raise the child her way. After Mitsuko left when her 13 years were up, she took her place on the dragon world throne. My mother then announced to my father that she was pregnant again. With me.

My father forgot about their deal on the raising thing but my mother still began to teach me awful things. She was very excited when I was born because she noticed that I was half dragon and half demon. My right eye is a (E/c) dragon eye while my left eye is black and the white in my eye was (DE/c).

( Author chan: Sorry if that didn't make sense. Basically just look at a normal human eye and replace the iris with black so it looks like one big pupil. And the white in your eye (the sclera) is (DE/c). Hopefully that helped :) )

My father found out about what my mother was doing and he was not happy about it. They began to fight everyday until it was too much for my father to handle. So he left her and took me with him. My mother was devastated yet furious, the last thing she said to us was "If I can't have you two, then no one else can either!"

My father raised me his way and I loved it. But when I turned 13 and my father was about to let me go, my mother came and stabbed him in the heart, killing him. I ended up having to fight my own mother. I didn't do so well considering I was still very young and I got beat up badly. I was in a lot of pain, emotionally and physically. So I begged her to kill me. But she didn't. She whispered in my ear, "I want to kill you so so bad. But that's not good enough for you. Instead I'm going to let you live with all your pain and suffering. I'm going to let you live with not knowing when I will come for you. You will live with looking over your shoulder everyday. And the day you feel the safest, that's the day I will come for you." But she wanted to leave me something to make my life worse. A curse. At random points in my life I would see a fake future that is me doing something unforgivable. Then she left me. I still live in fear to this day about the day she does come. Because everytime I get stronger, so does she.

After she left, my sister found me and took me to her kingdom. We ruled together as sisters for many years until she got too stressed from ruling the dragon world and all the realms in the world and decided to leave to do her own thing in life for awhile but promised to come back. I was too loyal to my kingdom so I stayed and ruled for centuries later. I then met another dragon named (BF/n) and we became best friends. She also became my second in command. The mortals who worshiped me started to visit me less and less so I became more curious and intrigued by the human world and what was happening over there that made them stop visiting me. Although I was determined to find out what happened over there, I stayed in the dragon world to rule. Until my curiosity was too strong. And that's where our story begins...

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