Chapter 3: Bright Moon

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     People clamored about within the hospital. Isabella sat by herself, waiting for some news about her mother's condition. Earlier that evening she was frantic, but now she was plagued with an uneasy calm. To Isabella the strangers around her blurred into a white noise. She felt as if she was stuck in time.

     It was late. Valerie sat quietly briefing various magazines. There was nothing left to be said. Patience was all that could be done.

     Riddled with irritation, Nicholas paced the waiting room. He didn't pay attention to the people around him. All he cared about was his mother. He was angry. He felt guilty for what happened. He muttered aloud to himself. He over analyzed every tiny detail from the incident. Nothing could ease his pain.

     A tall man in a white coat casually strolled into the waiting room. His hair was slicked back and black. His body language suggested he was a refined man. He held up a clipboard then announced to the room, "Okay. The Reeves' family." His eyes criss crossed the room until he noticed Nicholas approaching him. "Maria is doing well, but I'm afraid we had to put her on life support. Because of the lack of oxygen getting to her brain we had to induce a coma"

     "How long will she be in a coma!" Nicholas shouted at the man as if it were his fault. 

     "We aren't sure it could be a day. It could be weeks or months. Nothing is decided yet." The doctor explained. 

     Valerie inched her way to the doctor and asked, "Can we see her?" 

     "I'm afraid that won't be possible. At least for a couple more hours." He gave Valerie a sympathetic look than said, "I have few questions I'd like to ask about the medication Maria was taking." 

     "I can answer your questions, Doctor." Nicholas said. He turned around to look at Isabella. She had heard everything, but she didn't get up from her seat. She had a blank expression, dried tears glistened on her cheek. 

     "Good." Said the doctor. "Let's go out in the hall and talk privately." The doctor motioned for Nicholas to follow him as he held open the door.

      Valerie sat next to her niece. "I have a good feeling that your mother will be alright." She paused briefly to look Isabella in the eyes. "Are you doing alright Isabel?" She asked.

     Isabella didn't answer immediately. She instead turned away from her aunt and tucked her legs to her chest. She fit perfectly between the wooden chair she was sitting on. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." She was exhausted from all the tears shed that night. Her mind and body were drained. It didn't take long until she fell asleep. 

     Black. So quiet and peaceful. An empty mind. No more worries. Simplicity in its finest. 

     Isabella woke from her sleep. The waiting room was now completely empty. Large glass panels that layered the back wall permitted the moon's essence to enter the room. Isabella placed her hands on the window. She was in awe once again by its presence. The moon was larger than anything she had seen. Its length stretched across the night sky. But she knew the moon's secret. She had now transversed into the afterlife. 

     A buzzing light flickered above her head. Its irritating twitch came to an abrupt halt as the bulb shattered. Isabella gasped as broken pieces of glass fell beside her. Outside the waiting room the hall way was pitch black. However, there was a faint light reaching from somewhere. She mustered the bravery to venture ahead.

     Her steps echoed through the halls. Her breath was hot and heavy. The light ahead seemed to come from a reception area. She came upon a crescent shaped desk, not a soul in sight. Her eyes were immediately drawn to a red rotary phone. It sat a top the desk next to manilla folders and various papers. Isabella walked along the desk to the other side. Her instinct told her to pick up. Just before the tips of her fingers touched the phone it blared an obnoxious ring. Startled, Isabella jumped backwards knocking over a stack of folders.

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