Embracing Uncertainty

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Tom eases into the driver's seat of the gleaming Mercedes-Benz, he revels in the sensation of the supple leather upholstery beneath his fingers. The car purrs to life, a symphony of sleek engineering that is as effortless as it is powerful. The city stretches out before him like a glittering, endless expanse of possibility, and Tom can't help but feel like he's on top of the world.

As he navigates the bustling streets, Tom deftly retrieves his phone from his pocket, fingers moving with the precision of a seasoned pro. The glow of the screen illuminates his features, casting them in a soft, otherworldly light. He scrolls through his messages, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he reads Venetia's heartfelt thank-you note.

[19:47] Venetia: Thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful. You didn't have to do that tho x

Without hesitation, Tom types out a response, his fingers dancing across the keys in a hypnotic rhythm

[20:19] Tom: You deserve them. Don't forget about the reservation at half ten x

The phone vibrates in Tom's grip as he reads the message from Venetia.

[20:21] Venetia: Sorry, we'll have to reschedule. Not feeling great. Don't worry though, we're okay. I mean, mentally we're both wiped out. I'm sorry I dumped the news on you so early in the morning, I definitely should have waited. My timing was fucking tragic lol

Tom's heart swells with affection, and he can feel a rosy flush rising up his neck as he taps out his response.

[21:21] Tom: No worries, my plans fell through last minute too. We'll rain check. Honestly, today has been weird. All I want is to lie in bed with you x

Tom can feel his own excitement bubbling up, mingled with apprehension and uncertainty. The thought of starting a family with Venetia fills him with a sense of wonder. He feels grateful for Venetia's honesty and trusts her completely.

Tom's mind drifts to a future with Venetia and their unborn child. He thinks about their tiny fingers and toes, their soft hair and the smell of their newborn skin. He feels a sense of protectiveness and responsibility settle over him. Tom knows that parenthood won't be easy, but the thought of sharing this experience with Venetia makes him feel invincible.

For the time being, the responsibilities of being a parent can be put on hold.

Venetia gazes at Tom's message on her phone screen, a few heart emojis filling up the empty space. She ponders over her response, not wanting to come across as a juvenile pre-teen with a limited vocabulary.

Tom, sensing her hesitation, doesn't wait for a reply. He slips his phone back into his pocket, a grin spreading across his narrow mouth. He's familiar with Venetia's quirks - he knows she's likely feeling pressured to come up with something more substantial than a simple message filled with cliched icons.

The car glides through the city streets with ease, its suspension system absorbing every bump and dip in the road. Tom feels as though he's floating on a cloud, lulled into a sense of tranquillity by the car's gentle sway.

The sound of horns blares through his slightly cracked open window, accompanied by the murmur of voices from the busy street outside.

Tom pivots his towards the window, and he takes in the vibrant scenery with rapt attention. In spite of the commotion, a sense of serenity washes over him, a tranquil moment interrupted only by thoughts of Venetia.

Gratefulness floods Tom's heart, a wave of emotion that brings tears to his eyes. Yet, Harry's words of caution echo in his mind, a warning that threatens to spoil Tom's moment of joy. Fuck. The prospect of revealing his plans to marry Venetia fills him with dread, and he can feel his hand trembling as he scrolls through his contacts, eventually settling on his father's number.

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