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"I'm sorry."

"I understand, babe. Don't worry about it."

"I feel so bad," Louis' hung over the side of his bed, staring down at the puke bucket his mum had given him, phone up to his ear. "I'd just really rather not puke all over myself while you're getting an ultrasound."

Harry giggles, and Louis' heart melts. "Like I said, no worries. We can wait to find out the gender until next time."

"No!" Louis says quickly. "I'm not that patient, find out today."

"But wouldn't you like to be there?"

"I'll be even sicker by your next appointment, Hazza," Louis points out, a wave of nausea hitting him. He groans quietly, running his fingers through his hair, not even batting an eye when a few strands fall out. "If she says she can see the gender, find out and then call me when you're out, yeah?"

Harry sighs softly. "Yeah, okay. I miss you."

Louis smiles to himself. "I miss you too. Come over afterwards?"


"Can't wait," Louis can't believe he's let himself get this soft, but he has. "Love you, bub."

"Love you too. See you in a bit."

They hang up, Louis laying his head against his pillow and setting his phone down next to him. Now he waits for Harry to come back. He can barely even get out of bed, what else is he supposed to do?

There's a knock on his door, and before he has time to give an answer, Jay walks in with a laundry basket. "Just getting some dirty clothes," She says, but she sits down on the edge of the bed and puts the laundry basket on the floor. Gently, she puts her hand on Louis' shoulder. "How do you feel?"

"Gross," Louis whines. "Balding, useless. Take your pick."

"Lou," Jay sighs, frowning. "I'm so sorry, love."

Louis sighs, and before he can give her some bullshit response about how he's fine, Ernest comes racing into the room. "Achooo!" He screams.

"Ernest, inside voice, please," Jay reminds, shaking her head.

"I made you something at school," Ernest climbs onto the bed, sitting on Louis' stomach. Louis ignores how nauseous he is and takes the paper from Ernest's hand. Louis cannot even remotely tell what Ernest has tried to draw.

"That's you," Ernest points to a yellow scribble with some blue on the top. "And that's me!" Another scribble, this time with brown hair. Louis wonders if Ernest knows he doesn't have brown hair. A for effort.

"This is awesome, mate," Louis gasps, grinning wide. "Looks just like us. I'll hang it up on my wall later."

"Why not now?" Ernest pouts.

"Achoo doesn't feel very well, love," Jay explains, pushing some of Ernest's hair out of his face. "Remember we talked about that? How he might feel really yucky sometimes?"

"I remember, Mumma," Ernest nods.

"Yeah, sorry, buddy," Louis frowns. "You can chill with me in here, though. I can queue up some Paw Patrol on my telly?"

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