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"This might be the cleanest Louis' room has been in years," Jay comments as she walks into Louis' room, seeing Harry folding one of Louis' shirts. Harry giggles, and Jay shuts the door behind her gently.

"I wanted it to be clean for him when he comes home," He shrugs, setting the shirt down on top of the bed. Jay sighs, crossing her arms over her chest. Harry furrows his eyebrows. "W-What? What is it?"

"Sit down with me, love," Jay grabs Harry's arm gently and sits down on the bed. Harry sits next to her (he struggles, but he can still at least sit down by himself). "Um. I think it will be quite a while before Louis gets to come home."

"I don't understand..." Harry can feel his heart start to race.

"His lungs are having a lot of trouble right now," Jay puts her hand on Harry's arm, talking slowly like she's trying to keep her voice steady. "So they want to keep him at the hospital, just to make sure he's okay. H-He's very weak right now. They're taking good care of him."

"Oh," Harry breathes. Jay tightens her lips and nods a little.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jay asks softly, wrapping her arm around Harry's shoulders and pulling him close. Harry leans into her and closes his eyes.

"Yeah," Harry says after swallowing thickly. "I-I'm okay. I'll be fine."

"I'm so glad he has you, Harry," Jay gives Harry's shoulders a squeeze. "Remember to take care of yourself, you do so much. Your body is under a lot of stress right now."

"I'm okay," Harry assures, sitting up straight and grinning at Jay wearily. "She behaves. Most of the time, anyways."

"I'd watch out for this one if she's anything like her dad," Jay smirks. She rubs Harry's back and stands up off the bed. "I don't think I'll be sleeping at the hospital tonight. Couldn't sleep, I think if I don't get a full nights sleep tonight I'll start to get looney."

Harry giggles, rubbing his eyes. "Could I sleep there tonight, you think?"

Jay's eyes soften. "Are you sure, babe? I know your back has been hurting, and those cots aren't comfortable."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Harry assures. "It's just one night."

Jay smiles and shakes her head. "I'm sure Louis will be happy to have you there," She looks like she's about to leave before twisting her mouth. "Have you spoken with your Mum at all?"

Harry looks down at his lap. "No," He admits. "She's been texting me. I haven't answered."

Jay nods, eyebrows furrowed in sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Harry," She says softly.

"Yeah," Harry shrugs a little. "Oh well."

Jay sighs. "Well, if you're going to go see Lou, I'd go soon. The twins will be up soon, and I don't know if they'll give you a chance to leave."

Harry laughs. "I will. Thanks, Jay."

Jay smiles at him before leaving Louis' room. Harry grabs his phone off of Louis' beside table to text him.

"hiii bb i'm coming in a little bit do u need anything"

"Blanket and my switch pls??? I wanna get animal crossing >:)"

"HAHA sure omw"

"Oh, no, it's you," Louis teases as Harry walks into the hospital room, shutting the door behind him. Harry pouts, pretending to turn around and leave again. "Wait wait wait no! I was kidding please don't leave me!"

Harry laughs, turning back around and walking towards the hospital bed. "Hi, baby," Louis greets before Harry leans down to kiss him.

"I got your stuff," Harry says after they separate, setting his rucksack down on the bed. He unzips it and pulls out a blanket that was on Louis' bed, handing it over to him. Louis gasps, grabbing it and wrapping it around himself.

"Thank fuck, it's freezing in here," Louis huffs. Harry is not even remotely cold.

"And here's your switch," Harry hands it to him, and Louis grins. "I brought the cables and shit too, in case you wanna try to plug it into the telly."

"You're my favourite person ever," Louis' smile widens. "I can try, I don't know if it will work though."

"No, no, no," Harry takes the switch out of Louis' hands, and Louis pouts. "You stay in bed, love, let me do it."

"Hazzaaa," Louis whines. "I can do it."

"Just let me, L, it's okay," Harry leans down and kisses his forehead. Louis continues to pout, but he doesn't argue, and Harry goes to plug it into the telly.

Harry reaches up, since the tv is mounted on the wall, and Louis laughs a little. "You're exposing yourself, Harold, have some decency."

Harry looks down to see his shirt has rode up a little bit, showing the very bottom of his bump. "You're such a brat," Harry mumbles, and Louis laughs again. He gets the switch set up before handing the controller to Louis.

"Thank youuu," Louis grins, turning it on. Harry grabs a chair from against the wall and pulls it closer to the bed, gently lowering himself into it. Louis looks over to him, eyes softening. "Hazza, you look tired."

"Gee, thanks," Harry rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. Louis raises an eyebrow at him. "I'm fine, Lou. She just would not settle last night."

Louis frowns before his eyes light up, and he gasps. "I'm gonna name my Animal Crossing island Layla."

Harry giggle, putting his hand on his stomach. "That's cute," He grins. "I'd prefer Hazza, though."

"Okay, brat," Louis teases. Harry rests his feet up on the bed, and Louis scoffs. "Get your nasty ass feet off my bed."

"You're being so mean today!" Harry huffs, but he can't help but laugh. "Is that a side effect of chemo? Being a butt face?"

"A butt face?!" Louis snorts. "You need to stop spending so much time with my four year old siblings, pumpkin."

"Are you calling me pumpkin because I look like one?" Harry raises his eyebrows. "I don't appreciate it."

"Aw, but you're my little pumpkin," Louis coos. Harry sticks his tongue out at him, and Louis laughs, eyes on the telly as he starts the game. "Should I make my name Louis? Or something funny, like pussy slayer?"

"You haven't slayed my pussy yet," Harry points out.

"Louis it is, then."

As Harry watches him, he notices all of the little things that have changed about him. His cheek bones are sunken in, and his eyes are tired. He's wearing a baggy hoodie, but he's lost a lot of weight. Harry can tell just by looking at him. Every one of his movements is slow and weak. Harry looks away from him and to the tv before it becomes too much for him.

"That koala wants to name the island Swoletown!" Louis cracks up, and Harry looks back at him. It's then he realises that no matter how much Louis has changed, his eyes are still just as bright.

"Hey," Harry says softly. Louis looks over at him. "I love you."

Instead of making a joke, like he often does, Louis' whole face turns soft. "I love you too," He says back. "Thank you for being here with me."

"My other boyfriend cancelled," Harry nudges Louis' thigh with his foot gently.

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