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Your fingers lingered against a certain doorknob. After what happened the previous day, your poor soul didn't even want to be in the same proximity as Chisaki, yet he called for you specifically to his office. You were so dead.

You inhaled a fairly large intake of the sterile air around you and knocked.

cough* the day before

You yawned as you leaned against the wall outside of Chisaki's speck-free office. At the moment, he and Shigaraki were discussing their next move to making the world a not-so-great place. You know, villain stuff. By then you were used to the whole scenario of:

bad guys=bad
good guys=good
bad guys=death and chaos
good guys=putting bad guys in prison

Blah blah blah. You never really payed much attention to that crap. That's part of the reason why it was so easy for Chisaki to recruit you. The other was because that man was just so damn hot, like wow. Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

As Shigaraki was exiting the said man's private space, his wrinkled, scarlet eyes blared in your direction. He stopped, causing your brows to furrow in caution. Those empty orbs seemed to burn holes into your own. The crooked adult snickered wickedly before resuming his way out. "Good day, Missy."

You cringed at his little name for you. The aura around him just seemed...all wrong. "Y/n," Chisaki's smooth voice clicked you back to life like a pen. "I am not going to sit and wait for you all day. Come inside, please." You responded immediately by entering his tidy area.

Believe it or not, Chisaki seemed to be a lot more patient with you than the other associates. Hell, if he got tested enough, Chisaki would almost definitely kill anyone who kept him waiting too long. You just hoped that you wouldn't see the day when he finally pulled off his glove and came at you with his murderous touch.

"Yes, Boss?" you asked nervously. "How many times must I keep telling you to call me Chisaki?" he reminded with a pinch of attitude. Oh yeah, and there was also that. Several days prior, he started instructing you to call him by his name of all things. Ever since then, you'd been struggling to keep from calling him 'Boss' or 'Overhaul.'

"I'm sorry, Chisaki. Uh, you said you had an errand more me?" The broad male hummed in response. "Yes, well, I wouldn't necessarily call it an 'errand.' More like a simple job." You nodded expectantly, wanting him to continue. Did he want you to collect intel on the League of Villains? Monitor the U.A students' quirks' by disguising as one? AsSaSsInAtInAtE sOmEoNe??!

"I've recently bought a coffee maker in hopes of staying awake longer to get work done, but I have no idea how to make coffee." Oh. He wanted you to make him coffee. Your excitement drained, though not completely. You had been wishing to spend more time with him lately, and you guessed this was how it was going to happen.
You dismissed your yammering and gladly accepted his tedious request.

It was nothing special. Just taking the coffee grounds and pouring them into the filter with some water. You awkwardly looked around. There was no creamer or sugar in sight.

"Um, Sir—I mean Chisaki, you don't have any creamer or sugar do you?" you asked, double checking your surroundings. "I don't at the moment. I'll just have it plain." To be honest, you were quite curious to know how Chisaki preferred his coffee. Yourself, for instance, drank the hot beverage as if you were already at diabetes' door. and i know some of you don't drink coffee. i'm mainly basing this off the way i like it

You checked the cabinet above the counter which had an assortment of mugs. You chose the one that said in bold, WORLD'S BEST BOSS. You wondered if Kurono had bought it. Ha.

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