*don't you give me up*

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if you guys love me plsplspls listen to this song it slaps pretty hard in my opinion and actually gave me inspiration to write this

also i have a little surprise at the end of this so stay tuned

It was nearly noon, and here you were, sleeping in. The worst day possible to sleep in late.

Your subconscious waited for your alarm clock to go off for the fourth time, but surprisingly you received a different wake up call.

"Wake up, Squirt," Rappa exclaimed rather antsy. You attempted to throw your pillow at his face, which ended up in failure. "What the fuck do you want? You know I like sleeping in on Saturdays." The large male fidgeted around in excitement. This caused you to sit up in irritation. "Well??"


"What's happening?!"

"They're almost here. Those wimpy-ass heroes are gonna show up at our front door with the police! And the boss told us to get in formation," he bellowed. Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach. What the hell? Why didn't Chisaki tell you?? Then you remembered. He warned you just last night that the heroes were going to make a move soon. But you didn't know it would be this soon!

"Where is he now? Did they leave already?" you breathed. "Pshh, nah. He just told me to make sure your lazy butt was out of bed. Overhole's in his office packin' right now, so you better go catch him while you can. SEE YA!!" Rappa vanished. You jumped out of bed and went in a frenzy for some clean clothes. Once you were ready with your essential belongings, you rushed into the busy hallway.

"God, this is too much to take in," you groaned as you ran down the sterile halls. Once you finally made it to your boyfriend's office, you went to reach for the doorknob when it already swung open from the other side. "Right away, sir--oh! Please excuse me, miss," his servant said, obviously startled. You ignored him and invited yourself in.

Chisaki was currently busy on the phone. "Just make sure everything is in order. We don't have anymore time to be making mistakes, am I clear? Alright." Heaving a weighted sigh, he ended the call and shoved his cellphone into his back pocket. Chisaki softly gazed over at you. "Everything is just about ready and then we can leave." You nodded in silence and started to fiddle with your sleeve anxiously.

Sensing your nervousness, your lover walked over to you and gently stroked your cheek with his bare thumb. "Are you scared? Don't worry, it's all going to work out. I promise," Chisaki soothed. You glanced at the floor in uncertainty. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you; to us," you whispered. "And don't promise me anything when you don't know 100% if it's going to be ok." He couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"You always were a worrywart," he mused as he pulled you closer. "Listen, I've been preparing for Plan B since all of this started. And you will be at my side the entire time, for a long long time. Marriage... and maybe even a few kids here and there." You both began to laugh together. You wrapped your arms comfortably around his back and he placed several adorable kisses on your forehead. That beautiful moment lasted until Chrono came bursting through the door with Eri tucked in his arm. "I don't mean to spoil the moment, but they're here." The room's aura immediately grew serious. Chisaki's brow twitched in agitation. "So be it. Let's get out of here, Y/n." You nodded and waited for him to refasten his mask and pull on his gloves so you could take his hand.

Where did it all go wrong?

How did things begin to fall apart so quickly?

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