Never wanted this

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Something wasn't quite right. Patton hadn't been out of his room in days, and Virgil only ever popped in now and again when he felt like it. But Logan couldn't seem to put his finger on it. Thomas was acting completely shameful without his morality, doing whatever he liked despite the consequences of what was right and what was wrong. It was like the host did not care any more. Like he didn't seem bothered by the way he acted in certain situations. There had been a few times Thomas had stolen something while walking out of a shop, crossed the road without looking, lying to Joan and Talyn about why he couldn't make time for them. It was completely unlike the host - unlike Thomas to do such things as these. In those exact situations would be where Patton and Virgil would coincide the Morality and Anxiety, which Thomas was supposed to feel with all of those affairs... but they didn't. Not one of the two appeared to steer Thomas in the right direction. Which was why Logan knew something wasn't quite right.

Adjusting his tie, then his glasses, Logan sauntered his way down to knock on the Moral sides bedroom door. "Patton, we need to have a very important conversation about Thomas' moral compass..." Logan began, awaiting an answer that never seemed to come from the other side of the door. "Thomas is acting completely out of the ordinary, and I'm concerned it has something to do with -"

"Leave me alone, Logan!" Patton's voice came out all hoarse and scratchy from lack of use and too much crying. The Logical trait, often averse to showing and feeling emotion, could tell Patton was having a rather hard time trying to hide it them, clearly to no avail. The crease in Logan's brow tightened into a knotted frown at the unusual behaviour of the emotional trait. Perhaps things were a lot worse than Logan had expected. His calculations were always... 'on point', so to speak, so why on Earth was Patton lying about his feelings - Logan's features melted back into their sombre expression at the sudden realisation.

"At least let me see that you are all right..." It was a stupid thing to say, Logan knew that, but somehow he needed to be sure that Patton was still able to function at least in some way. He knew as much as anyone else, that whenever Patton was 'down in the dumps' nothing good could come from it. Especially after what happened last time, but none of them talk about that...

"I'm fine, Logan... please..." It was nothing but a whimper and this caused Logan great distress. The Happy Pappy Patton was gone and replaced with the total opposite. The Sad, Stressed and... Depressed Patton taking his place.

"I can assure you, Patton, I'm going to get to the bottom of this," Logan mumbled, allowing himself to give his tie a quick adjustment before leaving back down the hallway, heading 'straight' to Roman's room. 


Patton buried his head against Sorrell's chest, tears dribbling from his eyes and over his freckled scattered cheeks. There was no possible way for Patton to be fine at a time like this. At a time when Depression took over him - befriending him. It was at this time when Patton felt utterly helpless, numb and drained off all happiness. After finding out the only person he had ever loved had lied to him. After Virgil lied to his face about loving him. After Patton had believed every word - every 'I love you'... everything was nothing now. It didn't matter anymore. None of it did. Not even Patton. The Moral trait glanced up at the dark side beside him, brown eyes clouded with unshead tears only for Sorrell to wipe them away.

"I am here, good friend." Depression smiled and allowed Patton to once again bury his head against his chest. "You needn't worry about a thing..." Sorrell pulled the Moral trait close, resting his cheek on top of the others head of fluffy curls. "Perhaps... it's best the others don't know..."

Patton sniffled softly and pawed at his eyes like a child when tired, before nodding and drifting off into sleep.

"Sleep," Sorrell smirked as he watched Patton slowly descend into a peaceful slumber. "Is all you will be doing for a while..." he muttered while glancing at the door, hearing footsteps walking away in the opposite direction. Everything was going exactly to plan. 


"Have you ever imagined Patton dying?" A voice suddenly forced Virgil to look up in panic. "Now wouldn't that be fun?!" His weary eyes landing on a cloud of stink coloured green. Virgil had every intention to lash out, scramble toward the figure, throwing insults until he couldn't breathe, growling and hissing like a deranged animal... but his body had other plans. His mind betrayed him, and instead of doing all of those things, Virgil whimpered and huddled himself up against the stone cold wall, shackles clinking with each and every tiny movement.

"Spewing until he can't breathe, or Pooping himself until his bowels explode, you know, the creative type of death - not that boring gore, blood and guts. That's so not... well, me!" A manic set of laughter pierced through the room, leaving Virgil to try and cover his ears with cuffed hands.

"L-leave Patton out of this!"

"Aww, but it's so much fun thinking about him suffering, don't you think, Virgy?" The figured smirked, emerging from the shadows made of green gloom. "Haven't you missed this? Us? The team all back together? I have, it's been really lonely without you, Virgil -" he trailed off, seeping down to sit next to the other trembling side. The man made of mismatched black and green crossed his ridiculously long legs.

Virgil tried his best to scuttle away only to get stopped by the corner of the wall, as if it were closing in on him, ready to squish him into nothing. "Leave me alone, Remus..."

"But isn't this what you wanted? To be a Dark side again? I always loved the way you made Thomas anxious until he threw up with fear!" Remus did a little wiggle of excitement. "It can be like that again, you, me, Deceit! We can be -"

"No! No we can't!" Virgil, finding some courage, snapped back angrily, though fear still lingering in his voice. "It can never be like that again, Remus! To be a Dark side again -" Virgil shook his head, eyes watering until tears began dribbling over his cheeks, sobs surging through his body. "I-I never w-wanted this!"

𝙎𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙮𝙚 (𝙈𝙤𝙭𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙮)Where stories live. Discover now