Chapter 4

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Nova's POV
We've been at the DWMA for a week now. Eyerus and I are starting to get more comfortable with everything now. We were sitting in Stein's class, bored out of our minds when it happened.
I noticed that Kid wasn't in the class at the moment. Eyerus looked at me and smirked. "What you looking for? Could it be a certain shinigami?" She whispered.
I blushed and looked away. "No. I have no idea what you're talking about." She sighed. "And you call me a tsundere." She leans back in her chair. "You are a tsundere!" I whisper screamed at her.
"Yeah yeah yeah. Says the person who was actually acting like one two seconds ago. Besides, I don't like anyone like that." I gave her a look but before I could reply, Kid came in and looked at us.
"Nova? Eyerus?" "Yes?" I answered. "Yeah?" My sister asked. "My father wants to see you."
Eyerus sighed, then smiled a little. "Wait what did I do now?" She muttered. I laughed, I knew she'd say that. Kid looked at us. "From what my father said, it's about your weapons."
"Oh ok." Eyerus stood up and so did I. We walked out of the room.
Time skip to inside the Death Room brought to you by a super tired Author Chan
When we got inside the Death Room, I saw that there were three boys inside as well.
All three had black hair. Two of them were taller and a couple years older than the third one but I knew he was still taller than me and Eyerus. The two taller ones had purple eyes. The third boy had redish gold eyes.
All the boy's eyes moved to us as we entered. "Hey." The two taller ones said together. "Hello." I say, smiling. I liked them, they seamed really nice.
"Hey." Eyerus says, smiling too. "Hi." The third one says. Lord Death was already in the mirror. "Hello Eyerus and Nova." He said in his cartoonish voice.
"Good morning Lord Death." Eyerus spoke for both of us because I was still too nervous to talk to him. "What did you want to see us about?" "I'd like you to meet Kai, Ren, and Tatsuki. They're new here and they're all weapons." Lord Death replies.
We look to the boys. "I'm Ren." One of the boys with purple eyes says smiling again. He looked a little different from his brother. His hair was a little more under control and he wore glasses. "I'm tatsuki." The other boy with purple eyes says. His hair was much messier than ren's hair, and he wore a black hoody with a skull on the front.
"We're both scythes." Ren explained. "Cool. Can I see?" I asked, forgetting for second that I was talking in front of Lord Death. "Sure." Tatsuki said.
They both transformed in to their weapon forms. Two scythes that were black with purple and red details. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "You look so cool." "We do normally anyway, so that's nothing knew." Tatsuki said in a joking tone, making both me and Eyerus laugh.
Eyerus's POV
While Nova started talking to Tatsuki and Ren, who had turned back to human form, I went over to the third guy who I guessed was Kai.
"So you're Kai?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yeah." "I'm Eyerus. But you probably already guessed that." I say, laughing a little. He laughs a little too.
(Ok that's good. I'm glad I can make him laugh.) I thought. I could tell Kai was more quiet than the other two, who I already knew would become my sister's weapons. He seamed slightly more serious than the other too as well. I could tell he was kind of nervous to be in a new place.
"What kind of weapon are you?" I asked. "A katana." Kai answered. My eyes lit up. I always thought katanas looked really cool and like a weapon I would like. "Can I see?" I asked him.
"Ok." He turned in to his weapon form. He was a black katana with purple, silver, and blue details. "Wow. You look pretty cool." I say, smiling. "Thanks." He replied.
He turned back in to his human form and looked at me. "Want to be partners?" I asked. He grinned. "Sure."
Nova's POV
Ren and Tatsuki had agreed to be my weapon partners and I saw that Kai had agreed to be Eyerus's partner too.
"Great. Now Eyerus? Nova? Please show your partners where your class is and help them out." "Yes sir." Eyerus and I said together.
"Come on people lets go!" Eyerus said playfully. We went back to class, talking all the way. We all learned that we loved anime, horor, music, and a lot of other stuff that we had in common as well.
When we got to the door, I opened it, turning back to see if they were as nervous as me and Eyerus were on our first day. They did look a little nervous. "Hey don't worry you guys." Eyerus gave them a reassuring smile.
"Yeah mostly everyone in this class is really cool." I add. "And if they mess with you, just let me know and I'll death stare them." Eyerus smirked. She was much happier here, I could tell.
Back home, she didn't really show this side of herself to anyone but me. Although, even here, she still doesn't show it that often.
"Alright. Lets do this." Tatsuki says as he pushes past us. Ren sighs and follows him. Kai looks at Eyerus, then goes in.
Eyerus and I followed the boys in to the classroom. The others were looking at them. "Guys meet Ren, Tatsuki, and Kai. They're me and Nova's new weapons."
I looked at our friends and saw that Crona was looking at Eyerus. I resisted the urge to fangirl.
The others started greeting our new partners, then Stein made us sit down and continue dying of boredom.
time skip to after school cause I'm lazy lol
It was the end of the school day and we were packing up to leave. I was having trouble with some of my stuff.
"Go on ahead. I'll be there in a minut." I told Eyerus, who was waiting for me. "You sure? I can help you with that."
"No I'm fine." I told her. She looked at me for a second, then nodded. She didn't like leaving me sometimes. I think she's afraid they'll come and take me or something.
"Alright." She said, then left the room, swinging her bag on to her back. "See you in a second." She said as she left.
It took me a couple more minuts to get everything in to my bag. "Finally." I sighed as I closed the stupid zipper of my bag. My hair was all over my face after that.
I reached up to push it away, but a hand closed around mine. "No." Kid's voice said firmly. I looked past my hair in to his eyes. Bad idea cause I started blushing.
He reached up with his other hand and fixed my hair, leaning close to look and make sure it was perfect. "What have I told you?" He asked me. "T that I can fix my own hair?" (Crap I studdard.)
"Yes. Nova, how many times do I have to tell you? Only I can fix it." He said. (Crap why does his voice have to be so ... so amazing? Why can't I look away from his eyes?)
He looked in to my eyes too, just now realizing how close he was to me. I thought I saw a faint tint of pink on his cheeks, but it was probably just wishful thinking.
He was still holding my hand. He didn't let go. Then, for a second, he leaned a little closer.
Then the door banged open, causing us to jump apart. "Kid!" Patty's voice yelled from outside the classroom. "Come on!"
He looked at me, then at the door. "I'll see you later." He said, sounding sort of breathless, or maybe it was just my imagination. Then he left, leaving me alone, still blushing.
(Oh yeah I have to go find Eyerus.) I remembered.
Third person POV (A couple minuts earlier when Eyerus first gets outside.)
Eyerus had left the classroom without Nova and was waiting for her outside by the top of the stairs.
Nova had told her to go ahead and since she saw that Kid was still in the room, she did, hoping that Kid would talk to her sister.
She was leaning against a wall with her headphones on, listening to music. A song came on that she really liked and she started to sing, not knowing a certain someone was near by.
"No, I'm not 20 anymore."
"Don't try to make me feel insecure."
"Cause if one thing's for sure I don't wana be."
"I feel so good in my skin."
"Should I let you go?"
"Should I let you in?"
"Oh baby, don't need no one to show me what to do."
"Yeah yeah yeah."
"Beauty's more than a number."
"When I was younger."
"Didn't know that."
"And if you gave me the chance."
"I wouldn't go back."
"No, I'm not 20 anymore."
"Don't try to make me feel insecure."
"Cause I'm agen like wine."
"I get better with time."
"Yes I do."
"No, I'm not 20 anymore."
"The lines on my face."
"They weren't there before."
"But I'm weiser."
"I'm stronger."
"From all of the life I've been through."
"Oh and if one thing's for sure."
"I don't wana be 20 anymore."
He was starstruck as he listened, his dark blue eyes wide. Then her eyes opened and she saw him.
Eyerus's POV
I opened my eyes for a second and saw Crona looking at me. (He heard me. Did I bother him?)
He jumped back and started stammering, trying to apologize. "I I'm s sorry. I I d didn't m mean t to." I could feel that feeling again in my cheeks. (Why do I keep doing that?) I thought.
I couldn't worry about that now though. Crona was so nervous. I wanted to calm him down. I smiled softly at him. "It's ok Crona. Don't worry. You just surprised me." He didn't calm down though.
I thought for a second, then thought of something. (No you can't do that. Where the frick are your survival skills? You know if you do this you'll probably die of embarrassment right? Because he'll probably just freak out more.) But I had no other ideas and I wanted to help him relax. Plus I wouldn't admit it to myself, but I really wanted to do it.
I set down my stuff and went over to him. His eyes got wider as I came closer. I gently wrapped my arms around the thin boy. He gasped softly, surprised I think.
Then I felt him relax and rest his head on my shoulder. My heart sped up when he did that. "I I'm s sorry. I j just heard y you and I I l liked it."
I blushed again at this. (He liked my singing?) "It's ok Crona, really. I don't mind." He seamed to relax even more at my words. I was glad.
Then we heard the door open and Crona pulled away quickly and went back inside.
I turned to see my sister running toward me, her long purple and blue hair flying behind her. I could see that there was a slight tint of pink in her cheeks.
(Yeet!! My plan worked!) I thought, already knowing that something must have happened with Kid.
"So you and Kid?" I asked.
"So you and Crona?" She asked at the same time.
I sighed and blushed even more. 
A/N: Holy crap! Almost 2,000 words? Bro! Sorry this is so long for those of you who don't like longer chapters. Just a warning, I'm probably going to write longer ones because I just like them more. I can never just stop after 500 words anymore. LOL
Also, the song I used in this chapter is called, "Not 20 Anymore," and it's by Bebe Rexha. I definitely recommend it.
Another thing, I suck at spelling and stuff so if I make a mistake, just let me know and I'll try and fix it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think and I'll see you in the next one.
Bye :)

Trust and Symmetry Death The Kid X OC and Crona X Other OC Where stories live. Discover now