Chapter 17

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Nova's POV (A week later.)
Tatsuki and Ren return to their human forms and smile at me. We'd just finished training, practicing soul resonance and some other techniques. I sigh as I go over to my bag and grab a water bottle taking a drink.
"I think we're getting better." I say, smiling at my weapons. "Well I am cause I'm a boss!" Tatsuki jokes, making me and Ren laugh. "You sound like Black Star." Ren tells his brother, sitting on the ground. This causes Tatsuki to make a face at Ren.
"Take that back!" He exclaims, leaning down to punch Ren playfully on the arm. "Ow." Ren says, giving his brother a look. I just laugh at them both. "Well it's obvious you two are brothers." I say, looking at my weapons. "Yeah cause we look similar since we're twins, duh." Tatsuki gives me a look and I roll my eyes.
"No because you always argue." "But you and Eyerus are twin sisters and you don't argue all the time." Tatsuki points out. "Yeah but we do argue sometimes." "Yeah haven't you seen them arguing about weather or not Nova needs to eat?" Ren says to his brother as he eats a chip from a bag he'd brought with him.
"Yeah but that's a small argument." Tatsuki says, snatching the bag of chips from his brother. "Yeah just like what you guys do all the time." I say, watching my weapons fight over Ren's chips. "Hey!"
I turn to see Eyerus and Kai walking toward us. "Hey Sis!" I smile as I go over to Eyerus. "How's training going?" Kai asks, remaining next to my sister. "Really well. I think we're improving." "That's great Nova." Eyerus smiles happily at me.
"Yeah yeah it's cool and all but can we go get some food? I'm starving!" Ren stares at his brother. "Really?! You're eating my chips right now!" "Yeah but I want more food!" Tatsuki exclaims as he eats another chip. Ren punches his brother playfully in the shoulder and tries to grab his chips back again. Eyerus laughs as she watches my weapons argue. They keep playfully shoving each other when they notice that it's making my sister, who doesn't laugh much now a days, laugh.
I catch Kai watching his meister with an expression that I can't quite place. (What's that about?) I wonder to myself. "Wow you guys are really mature." Eyerus laughs. "Hey!" Tatsuki says as he gives my sister a fake hurt look. "He started it."
"As I said, real mature." Eyerus says, turning and starting to walk away. "Where are you going?" Kai asks her. "To get food, you coming?" She answers, smiling back at us. "Food!" Tatsuki cries, running after Eyerus. We all laugh and follow him.
Time skip brought to you by a really lazy Eyerus Chan
We get to where the rest of the others were waiting at the top of the stairs. "Found them." Kai says as we reach them. Kid comes over and kisses my cheek, making me blush. "Hi." "Hello." He replies. "How did it go?" "Great, we're getting better at soul resonance." Kid smiles at me.
Eyerus notices Crona standing slightly away from the others, blushing profusely. "Hey." She says, going over to him and kissing his cheek, making him blush even more. "What happened?" "They were teasing him again." Maka answers my sister. "About what?" "The ship!" I exclaim, already knowing I'm right. My sister sighs and gives me a look but I could still see the faint shade of pink dusting her cheeks.
"Are we going to get food or not?" Tatsuki asks. "The great Black Star must have sustenance!" "Ok chill we're going right now." Eyerus says, placing a gentle arm around Crona's shoulders, causing him to immediately relax. I notice Kai skip away somewhere as the rest of us go get food. I decide to worry about that later. We all go to a food place to pick up some food to take back to Kid's place.
We get there and settle down in the living room on chairs, couches and on the floor. Eyerus and I sit on the floor, leaning against the side of a couch. I take a bight of one of my chicken tenders as Eyerus happily eats a cheeseburger. Ragnarok pops out and tries to get one of her french fries from behind where Crona sits on the couch we lean against. She turns, giving him a death glare.
"Don't touch my fries unless I allow you to touch said fries." She says calmly, making me laugh. "Sorry," Crona begins but Eyerus just takes his hand and smiles up at him from the floor. "Remember what I always tell you, it's not your fault when he decides to be a jerk." I laugh again at her words. 
My hair falls in my face and before I can even reach up to push it away I feel a hand on my cheek, moving up to my hair and fixing it. Eyerus laughs from next to me. "I told you Kid you're fighting a losing battle." "Nova's hair never does stay out of her face for long." Tsubaki says with an amused smile. "Yeah but that just means Kid's always fixing it." Patty giggles and Liz nods in agreement, smirking at Kid. I'm about to say something but we hear a bang on the door.
Eyerus's eyes widen and her hand flies up to touch a spot on her neck. I'm not confused as to why she does this because I feel it too, the old ache in my neck, the ache we both always felt from our marks when our father was near. Eyerus stands up quickly and looks toward the door.
"No." She says softly, her voice almost a whisper. I stand up too but she puts a hand on my shoulder. "No." She says more forcefully. Our friends stand up as well, looking worriedly at us. "What was that?" Soul asks, staring toward the door. "Father." I whisper, my hand still on my neck.
"Stay here." Eyerus says in a low voice. "Eyerus," Crona starts but she shakes her head. She goes toward the door, shaking slightly. We all follow her to the door.
I grab her hand. "Go back to the other room I don't want any of you getting hurt." "No." Crona and I say at the same time, him sounding more forceful than I'd ever heard him sound before. "I'm not letting you see him alone if it is him."
We both touch our necks, wondering why the ache felt fainter. Eyerus doesn't argue anymore, just goes to the door and takes a deep breath. Kid opens the door, keeping a protective arm around my waste. We see nothing. Eyerus looks down and picks something up.
She shakes harder as she holds up a piece of paper. "Another one?" I ask her as Crona reaches over and squeezes her hand. She nods and unfolds the paper, reading aloud.
"My darling dauters,"
"I found you."
A/N: Hoy people I has returned and I bring you another chapter!
Sorry I was gone for a couple weeks, I had some stuff to do.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think and prepare for the next one.
Bye :) 

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