Chapter one

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"Taylor you better get up or your going to be late" I hear Josh yell I groan and pull the blanket over my head I hear the door open and hear him sigh "come on get up" he says shaking me "no I don't want to" I mumble "don't make me do it the hard way" he says I come out of the blanket and look at him with a raised eyebrow "and what's the hard way" I say looking at him he smirks and jumps on me I groan "you asshole get off me" I say he chuckles "that's the hard way" he says I roll my eyes he gets off me and I sit up "now get ready or your going to be late" he says "since when do you care" I say and look at him as he goes to the door "I don't" he says he gives me a slight smile and leaves I roll my eyes "whatever" I mumble I decide to get up I head to my bathroom and take a quick shower usually my showers last about an hour or so but not this morning after I wash and everything I turn the water off get out and wrap up in a towel I go to my walk in closet and slip on underwear and a bra I then slip on ripped jeans a black shirt I then slip on my leather jacket I then grab my vans and slip them on I go back to my bathroom and I blow dry and straighten my hair I then do my make up after I finish my hair after I am done I go back to my room I grab my bag and my phone and I go over to my desk and grab the ring I look at it for a moment but I put it on then I head downstairs.

"You look cheery today" Zepher says I give her a glare "woah ok not cheery" she says I roll my eyes and sit at the island "hey tay" Mike says I give him this look "oh right sorry I forgot" he says I shake my head "it's fine" I say he goes and sits by Zepher.

You are probably wondering who I am well I'm Taylor Hall and I'm in a mafia the black angels my dad is the leader and my friend group is zephyr ,Kat, Mike, Josh, Chase, griffin, Tara, and Devyn and apart of the mafia too I'm the best fighter and shooter Tara, Kat, and Zephyr are the best fighters and Mike, Josh, chase, and griffin our the best shooters. Ever since my ex died because our rivals the devils which FYI the mafia my mom went and joined but I will get into more detail later on but anyway we have been trying to find them but every time we do they end up vanishing so we are seeing is they will come back here to our home town but I doubt. Ok anyway enough about me and my story let's get on the book shall we.

"Hey sweetheart" my dad says coming in "hey" I say as I finish up my water bottle "heyyyy" Chase says coming in following Josh and the rest "why you so chirpy" Tara says I look at chase with a raised eyebrow "I don't know" he says as he comes next to me "god you are weird" I hear Tara whisper I chuckle "so any leads yet" I say as I face my dad everyone looks at him "no not yet but don't worry we will find them no matter what it takes" he says looking at me I groan and but my head in my hands "don't worry we will find them" Josh says "and get revenge" Kat adds "yes and that" Josh says I look at them "I know" I say "ok you guys better go or you are going to be late" dad says as he takes a sip of his coffee we all get up and go to the garage "so who's taking what today" Mike says I look at the key rack we have over at least 100 cars we have another garage in the back where we keep the important ones "I call the Ferrari" Devyn says and runs and grabs the keys Kat grabs the Lamborghini Zephyr grabs the BMW Josh grabs the challenger Chase grabs the mustang Mike grabs the convertible Griffin grabs the other Ferrari and I grab the other BMW io8 I get in the car I start it and I head out the rest following.

I pull into the parking lot and get in my usual spot the rest park beside me I stop the car grab my bag and get out I close and lock the door and everyone else does the same we start to head in everyone looking at us we are kinda popular here at Ridge-wood high but we don't really care "ok I'm going to go ahead and head to class see you guys at lunch" Tara says "ya same" Devyn says "ya me too" Mike says since they all have the same glasses pretty much I mainly have mine with Griffin, zephyr, Josh, and Chase and Kat some with Devyn and Tara but only like one which is sad but it's whatever really we head to our lockers "hey have you heard about the new students I hear they are really bad ass" a kid says as I pass them I stop along with everyone else "what did you just say" I say and look at them they look at me in shock "um the new kids they just moved hear last night or something like that" the girl says I turn around and catch up with everyone else we stop at my locker "you heard that too right" Kat says I nod "ya" I say and look at Chase and Josh "but we can't know for sure if it's them" Mike says I nod "true" I say at the corner of my eye I see a group of people walking down the hallway everyone moving out of the way we all turn around and look at them I freeze really "that's them" Josh says and glares at them I take a deep breathe "yep" I say and cross my arms they look at us and smirk the one with moron and brunette hair and blue eyes looks at me and winks I roll my eyes they pass us and turn we all look at each other "their back"

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