Chapter 30

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Colby's POV
It's been a month since I left I haven't talked to her or seen her since then I've thought about her none stop she won't leave my head I can't stop even though I've tried it doesn't work she always comes back but anyway since then they've had me go on mission and trading things I just don't understand why they needed me oh wait to get to Taylor that's all he mom wants is to ruin her daughter but Taylor's strong she never gives up she's always so stubborn god I love this girl with everything I have.

"Colby office now" Ryder yells I sigh and get up and go to the office "so there's been rumors going around that there's a mole and that's how their finding us" Ryder says I start to play with the ring yes the ring is a tracker the necklace I gave her is how it would connect so it would be easier to find me or them or whatever.

"So you think I am" I say and cross my arms "no we're not saying that" Ryder says "yes we're saying that because who else would it be" she says I glare at her "so tell me are you and be honest" she says and glares at me I clench my fist god this is going to ruin everything I think to myself "I'm not" I say as I keep a straight face "your lying" Ryder says I glare at him "and how would you know" I say and uncross my arms he looks down at my hand then back up at me "I'm your father" he says I roll my eyes "if you were my father then you would let me be happy for once" I say and slam my hands on the desk "with my daughter" she says I give her a death glare "don't test me or else I will kill you both right here right now" I say as I stand up "the ring where did you get the ring" He says I look at him "I got it" I say with a straight face "uhm" he says "give it" he says I roll my eyes and give it to him he smashes it damn it "so you are I knew it" she says I roll my eyes "so what are you going to do now" I say unfazed she smirks "take him to the basement" she says people start to come in I start to fight them but one of them puts something in me and I am soon out.

I wake up tied to a chair I look around "damn it" I say as I try to get out someone soon comes in "well your awake" Ryder says I glare at him "what are you going to do kill me" I say he laughs "no why did you do it" he says I look at him "Im not saying" I say he looks at me "well I sent them a little present with the ring inside with a little note" he says and smirks I look at him "what are you going to do" I say and look at him "your weak Colby she makes you weak" he says I clench my fist "so what I'm going to do remember Jadan" he says I look at him"well something we did to him we're doing to you" he says and sticks something in my neck I wince then I black out again.

Taylor's POV
We have been trying to track him down for the past week nothing yet "Taylor I think I have something" Corey yells I get up and jog over there I look at the screen "he's there that's the old house" Jake says "we need a plan and we go tonight" Bryce says I nod we start to come up with a plan for tonight.

"Everyone know the plan Kat and Devyn you will stay in the car with the ear piece and to give us instruction Tara your staying here because well your sick Jake, Corey and Sam your going to be back up then me and Bryce we're going to go find him we will each have an ear piece" I say handing them each one we put them in "Everyone ready to do this" I say they nod "let's get him back and end this once and for all" I say "ok let's gear up" Bryce says we all grab a gun I grab a knife and slip it in my belt I'm west black ripped jean a cute crop top and a leather jacket I have my hair in a ponytail and  my white converse.

We all get ready to go we're going to get him back and we're going to end this let's just hope we're not to late.

We get in the cars and head that way me and Bryce is in one car Jake, Corey and Sam in another then Kat and Devyn in one once we see the house in sight we park at least a mile or two away we are parked behind a bunch of trees we get out quietly we started heading up there slowly and quietly "Devyn Kat can you hear me" I whisper through the ear piece "ya there are two guards up in front" Kat says "you can go around back" Devyn says we head around back I notice people standing there we lean against the wall I give jake and them the signal to go they nod and go me and Bryce go up slowly and we shoot them "well they definitely know we're here" he says I chuckle and we continue to go he breaks the door open now it's just a blood bath guns going off "Taylor" Bryce says I look where he's looking and there he is "we're to late" I say he looks at me "focus you there's only one way we can get him back and that's you" he says I nod I soon notice mom and Ryder oh hell no "Bryce cover me" I say I run up the stairs and stop as soon as I face them.

"Well if it isn't my lovely daughter and son" mom says I glare at her and point the gun at her "it's over" Bryce says she laughs "why you think that" she says and smirks "I think your just a little to late" Ryder says I look at him then look at the person next to him it's Colby I tense and look at him the spark is gone its just blankness I think to myself I look back at mom "you really don't want me to be happy do you" I say and point the gun at her "no I do just not with him" she says I give her this look her eyes widen "you wo—" she starts to say but i shoot her "no" Ryder says I look at him he pulls out a gun pointing it to Bryce "no don't shoot him" I say he looks at me I give Bryce this look and smirk he nods I start to run the other way "Go get her and kill her" he says I look back Colby starts to follow after Bryce handles Ryder I notice more people are coming up god how big is this place.

I stop at the end of the hall way "Colby" I say he stops "I know you don't to do this I don't want to fight you Colby" I say I kick the gun out of his hand and we start to fight but he's to strong he has me pinned to the ground "Colby" I say he doesn't look at me instead he grabs the gun that's right beside me and puts it to my head I close my eyes he starts to look away but I put my free hand up and turn his head to make him look at me "hey it's me Colby it's ok just do it" I say he looks at me "I love you please just get it done with" I say I notice him close his eyes "Colby" I say he looks at me "Taylor" he says I smile "ya it's me" I say he takes the gun away quick "i almost" he says I look at him "it's ok you wasn't in control" I say he looks at me "Bryce we half to help Bryce" I say he gets off of me we get up he tosses me a gun "let's finish this" I say he smirks and nods we go over and start to fight off and kill the guards I notice Ryder and Bryce "Cover me" I say and continue over to where they are I notice Ryder has Bryce pinned to the ground he's losing terribly I stop and point the gun to him he looks at me and smirks I close my eyes and shoot him I open them and see he's on the ground Bryce gets up and comes over "your ok" he says and hugs me I hug back "ya I'm ok" I say he pulls away looking at Colby I look at him "I told you" he says I smack his shoulder "let's get out of here" Colby says and wraps an arm around my shoulder I chuckle "ya let's get out of here" I say we start to walk over dead bodies as soon as we get out "Colby" Sam says they do there bro hug "just to make sure it's done" Bryce says and hands me a bottom I take it and press it and the house burst into flames.

"So what now" Jake says I look at him then back at the house "we move on" I say and look up at Colby he looks down at me I start to lean in he does the same until our lips touch "get a room" Corey says we pull away and chuckle "alright let's get out of here" Kat says we start to head to the cars "I still gotta take you on that date" Colby says and wraps an arm around me "you know I hate romantic stuff" I say mocking him he chuckles and kisses the top of my head I wrap my arms around him we get in and we all head home.

It's over it's finally over we can finally move on and forget about the past and go on with our lives.

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