Chapter 28

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I notice we are parked a couple miles down from the warehouse "you ready" Bryce says "ya let's go" I say Bryce gets him out and we go up to the warehouse Jake sam and Corey behind is for back up we walk in "well you finally showed up" she says smirking I roll my eyes "where's the antidote" Bryce says she nods for someone to bring up a vial "right here all she has to do is drink it then it will take a couple minutes but then she will be all cured" she says she holds it up "now keep a hold of your side of the deal where's Ryder" she says Jake brings him up "who did that to you" she says I look at her and smirk I notice Taylor's dad standing behind them I glare I pull out my gun and shoot him he's the only reason we're in this mess.

"Now can you guess who did that" I say and put the gun down she smirks "you're going to be great over here" she says I roll my eyes "antidote first then Ryder" Bryce says she sighs "fine" she says and gives the vial to Bryce and we hand over Ryder "now Colby" She says and smirks I take a deep breathe I look at Bryce he gives me this look and he nods "you know your only doing this just to hurt her" Sam says I look at him like what are you doing "so you figured out what I'm doing you see I knew Taylor was going to fall for him and eventually he would be her weakness the only way to get to my daughter is take what she loves or who she loves just like Jadan and just like her father" she says and smirks I glare at her "Sam don't say another word you shut up and don't you dare think you know her because he'll you don't know crap" I say she chuckles "and you do wow your going to be great" she says and looks at me "Bryce leave get the antidote to Taylor you guys follow him" I say and look at Sam and them they look at me as if I'm crazy I give them this look like go the finally turn around and leave "come on son" Ryder says I glare at him "don't call me that" I say and continue to walk until we get into a car and drive off.

Bryces POV
So we got the antidote but I know she's not going to take this to well god what has life come too.

"Jake make sure we aren't followed" I say "ok" he says I continue to drive as my mind wonders off.

We pull into the drive way and park I get out lock my car and head in "we weren't followed" Jake says I nod we go in the girls look at us "has she woke up any" I say as I go over "no nothing has changed" Kat says I nod I open the vial and give it to her I set the vial down and I sit on the couch and put her head in my lap "what's that" Corey says I look at a box "Colby wanted Kat to give it to Taylor" Devyn says I look down at her I notice her start to move she's waking up thank god it worked.

Taylor's POV
I start to wake up I slowly open my eyes wait I'm awake I don't feel any pain but I feel like I'm about to puke I get up and run to the bathroom and I feel like I just thrower up a lung.

"How you feel" Bryce says I give him this look as I wash my face and hands "I feel like I just threw up a lung" I say I dry my hands and face and walk out but I stop "wait" I say "Taylor listen" Bryce says I shake my head "no this can't be did he really just" I say Bryce leads me to the couch and sits me back down "Taylor listen he did this so that you would live I tried to stop him but he wouldn't take no for an answer he wanted to save you" he says I don't look at him or say anything this can't be happening another person I love just gone we half to find him at what ever cost and what ever it takes.

"Taylor say something" Devyn says I look up "we half to do something" I say "we half to find him I don't care what it takes we are going to find him" I say "and I want them dead all of them dad mom Ryder" I say Bryce looks at me I look at him "ok we will but first let's rest for tonight ok let's wait until morning" he says I look away I put my head in my hands I feel myself tear up "Taylor" Kat says I look up and notice everyone is gone "what" I say as I get up and head to my room she follows "he wanted me to give this to you" she says I stop at my bedroom door and look at her she's holding out a box I don't say anything I look at the box "he was going to give it to you once we asked you to be his" she says I look back up at her "even though your practically dating now" she then says I smile a bit but I wipe the smile off my face I take the box "thank you" I say she nods "if you need anything please let me know you can talk to me anytime" she says I nod "ok I will" I say she smiles a bit and walks off I open the door and go in I close it and I set the box on my bed I go and change into something comfy after that I take off my make up and go sit on my bed I look at the box and I debate if I should open it "I shouldn't" I say I set it on my nightstand I grab my phone and lay down and I found myself looking through pictures god this is so hard I feel empty I feel like I lost my other half my best friend.

I set my phone down and I try to sleep but sleep doesn't come to me I get up and go out of my room and go to Colby's room I open the door it smells like him I close the door I go to his closet and get a hoodie of his I put it on I then go to his bed and I lay down and I bring the covers up close taking in his scent and I just burst into tears but I soon fall asleep.

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