Accowding to aww knyown waws of aviation, thewe is nyo way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy. Its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. The bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Ooh, bwack and yewwow! Wet's shake it up a wittwe. Bawwy! Bweakfast is weady! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hewwo? - Bawwy? - Adam? - Oan you bewieve this is happenying? - I can't. I'ww pick you up. Wooking shawp. Use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good monyey fow those. Sowwy. I'm excited. Hewe's the gwaduate. We'we vewy pwoud of you, son. A pewfect wepowt cawd, aww B's. Vewy pwoud. Ma! I got a thing going hewe. - You got wint on youw fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'ww be in wow 118,000. - Bye! Bawwy, I towd you, stop fwying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Bawwy. - Is that fuzz gew? - A wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation. Nyevew thought I'd make it. Thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow. Those wewe awkwawd. Thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad I took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive. You did come back diffewent. - Hi, Bawwy. - Awtie, gwowing a mustache? Wooks good. - Heaw about Fwankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funyewaw? - Nyo, I'm nyot going. Evewybody knyows, sting someonye, you die. Don't waste it on a squiwwew. Such a hothead. I guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way. I wuv this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day. That's why we don't nyeed vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances. - Weww, Adam, today we awe men. - We awe! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hawwewujah! Students, facuwty, distinguished bees, pwease wewcome Dean Buzzweww. Wewcome, Nyew Hive Oity gwaduating cwass of... ...9:15. That concwudes ouw cewemonyies. And begins youw caweew at Honyex Industwies! Wiww we pick ouwjob today? I heawd it's just owientation. Heads up! Hewe we go. Keep youw hands and antennyas inside the twam at aww times. - Wondew what it'ww be wike? - A wittwe scawy. Wewcome to Honyex, a division of Honyesco and a pawt of the Hexagon Gwoup. This is it! Wow. Wow. We knyow that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife. Honyey begins when ouw vawiant Powwen Jocks bwing the nyectaw to the hive. Ouw top-secwet fowmuwa is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed into this soothing sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow you knyow as... Honyey! - That giww was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we'we aww cousins. - Wight. You'we wight. - At Honyex, we constantwy stwive to impwuv evewy aspect of bee existence. These bees awe stwess-testing a nyew hewmet technyowogy. - What do you think he makes? - Nyot enyough. Hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the Kwewman. - What does that do? - Oatches that wittwe stwand of honyey that hangs aftew you pouw it. Saves us miwwions. Oan anyonye wowk on the Kwewman? Of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww onyes. But bees knyow that evewy smaww job, if it's donye weww, means a wot. But choose cawefuwwy because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife. The same job the west of youw wife? I didn't knyow that. What's the diffewence? You'ww be happy to knyow that bees, as a species, haven't had onye day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. So you'ww just wowk us to death? We'ww suwe twy. Wow! That bwew my mind! "What's the diffewence?" How can you say that? Onye job fowevew? That's an insanye choice to have to make. I'm wewieved. Nyow we onwy have to make onye decision in wife. But, Adam, how couwd they nyevew have towd us that? Why wouwd you question anything? We'we bees. We'we the most pewfectwy functionying society on Eawth. You evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? Wike what? Give me onye exampwe. I don't knyow. But you knyow what I'm tawking about. Pwease cweaw the gate. Woyaw Nyectaw Fowce on appwoach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those awe Powwen Jocks! - Wow. I've nyevew seen them this cwose. They knyow what it's wike outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You guys did gweat! You'we monstews! You'we sky fweaks! I wuv it! I wuv it! - I wondew whewe they wewe. - I don't knyow. Theiw day's nyot pwannyed. Outside the hive, fwying who knyows whewe, doing who knyows what. You can'tjust decide to be a Powwen Jock. You have to be bwed fow that. Wight. Wook. That's mowe powwen than you and I wiww see in a wifetime. It's just a status symbow. Bees make too much of it. Pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it. Those wadies? Awen't they ouw cousins too? Distant. Distant. Wook at these two. - Ooupwe of Hive Hawwys. - Wet's have fun with them. It must be dangewous being a Powwen Jock. Yeah. Once a beaw pinnyed me against a mushwoom! He had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me! - Oh, my! - I nyevew thought I'd knyock him out. What wewe you doing duwing this? Twying to awewt the authowities. I can autogwaph that. A wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades? Yeah. Gusty. We'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow. - Six miwes, huh? - Bawwy! A puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we nyot up fow it. - Maybe I am. - You awe nyot! We'we going 0900 at J-Gate. What do you think, buzzy-boy? Awe you bee enyough? I might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means. Hey, Honyex! Dad, you suwpwised me. You decide what you'we intewested in? - Weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - But you onwy get onye. Do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? Son, wet me teww you about stiwwing. You gwab that stick, and you just muv it awound, and you stiw it awound. You get youwsewf into a whythm. It's a beautifuw thing. You knyow, Dad, the mowe I think about it, maybe the honyey fiewd just isn't wight fow me. You wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon anyimaws? That's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew. Janyet, youw son's nyot suwe he wants to go into honyey! - Bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - I'm nyot twying to be funny. You'we nyot funny! You'we going into honyey. Ouw son, the stiwwew! - You'we gonnya be a stiwwew? - Nyo onye's wistenying to me! Wait tiww you see the sticks I have. I couwd say anything wight nyow. I'm gonnya get an ant tattoo! Wet's open some honyey and cewebwate! Maybe I'ww piewce my thowax. Shave my antennyae. Shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"! I'm so pwoud. - We'we stawting wowk today! - Today's the day. Oome on! Aww the good jobs wiww be gonye. Yeah, wight. Powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw... - Is it stiww avaiwabwe? - Hang on. Two weft! Onye of them's youws! Oongwatuwations! Step to the side. - What'd you get? - Picking cwud out. Stewwaw! Wow! Ooupwe of nyewbies? Yes, siw! Ouw fiwst day! We awe weady! Make youw choice. - You want to go fiwst? - Nyo, you go. Oh, my. What's avaiwabwe? Westwoom attendant's open, nyot fow the weason you think. - Any chance of getting the Kwewman? - Suwe, you'we on. I'm sowwy, the Kwewman just cwosed out. Wax monkey's awways open. The Kwewman openyed up again. What happenyed? A bee died. Makes an openying. See? He's dead. Anyothew dead onye. Deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead. Dead fwom the nyeck up. Dead fwom the nyeck down. That's wife! Oh, this is so hawd! Heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew, humming, inspectow nyumbew seven, wint coowdinyatow, stwipe supewvisow, mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think I shouwd... Bawwy? Bawwy! Aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nyinye... What happenyed to you? Whewe awe you? - I'm going out. - Out? Out whewe? - Out thewe. - Oh, nyo! I have to, befowe I go to wowk fow the west of my wife. You'we gonnya die! You'we cwazy! Hewwo? Anyothew caww coming in. If anyonye's feewing bwave, thewe's a Kowean dewi on 83wd that gets theiw woses today. Hey, guys. - Wook at that. - Isn't
Bee MOwOie
ActionAccowding to aww knyown waws of aviation, thewe is nyo way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy. Its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. The bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.