"She's different, and it was beautiful."
-------------------------------------------Days, months, and even years passed as they walk by together, side by side.
They always met each other, until they grew closer and closer together.
Everything turned different and it was beautiful, no she was beautiful- he thought as he looked at the girl beside him, jumping in giddiness as they stroll around the park.
He seriously thought he was with a child. Never did he expect that behind her silent demanuer was a childish girl and her reason when he asked him,
" I ate chocolate." Was all she said.
And now as he looked at the very talkative, pointing at the balloon girl, he would believe it.
" I want that one." She said pointing at the helium balloons.
" And that, hihihihi" pertaining to the cotton candy.
Sighing he nod, and she skid and skid and skid again before reaching the stand where she was going to buy.
People around them are whispering about them, and believe him or not; he was considering leaving her here.
But he knew he would not do that, unless he wanted her angry. Of course.
And he waited while standing in the corner.
And she went to him, but she raise her hands.
He raised his brows in question, and when realization hit him.
He was left astounded.
She wanted him to carry her.
"No." He said crossing his arms on his chest.
She pouted and without a word turned around.
So he carried her- piggy back ride.
"Hoorayyy!" Was all he heard as he crossed the street to avoid the eyes of the people around them.
He would never feed her chocolates again.