Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of my dreaded alarm, and the smell of french toast seeping through under my bedroom door. I quickly rise from my bed, and am hit with an instant dizzy spell. I look at the time and it's only 7 am. So who could possibly be cooking me french toast on the day of the People's Choice Awards? I walk down the stairs, and the smell only floods my nostrils more, letting my mouth water at the scent of cinnamon and banana. I turn the corner and am greeted with the sight of Anna cooking in my kitchen.

"good morning sunshine. Ready for the big day?"

I am not surprised to see her here since I gave her a spare key when I moved in. She's like my second mum, and I love her for it.

"Yes I am ready. But not as ready as I am to taste that french toast," I say, snatching a piece from her hand. She giggles as I take a bite, and it tastes even better than it smells.

"So, Hero will be over here soon, he said he wants to go over the speech if we win, and I said I was making french toast so then he said he'll be here in ten minutes,"

"10 minutes!" I half yell, trying to act like I don't care him seeing me in my pajamas with my hair looking like a bird's nest.

"Yes, why? is something wrong?" Anna questions.

"No, not at all. Just let me go get changed then," I say over my shoulder as I climb the stairs back up to my bedroom. I quickly chuck my hair into a high bun, and throw on a pair of denim shorts with a Levis top. I brush my teeth and apply some mascara. As I'm walking back down stairs I hear the door bell ring, indicating Hero is here. I walk over to the front door and am greeted with Hero and Inanna. Didn't know she would be coming. Party at Josephine's house I guess.

"Hey, your place is nice," Hero says, looking around observing every little detail he can lay his eyes on.

"Yeah it's not too bad, I can thank Anna and Pia for the interior design, my style is trash." He laughs at my comment and tells me he brought Inanna here for extra help, since she's been to these types of events before. But something tells me this isn't true. The way she is clinging to his arm says she is here for more than moral support. Or maybe she just wanted some french toast too.

"Alright guys, follow me to the kitchen where the treasure awaits us," I say, and I hear Hero let out a breathy laugh. So cute.

I lead the way to the kitchen and Hero instantly goes straight to the plate stacked with french toast. Anna laughs and they catch up on small talk since he has been away in London the past couple of weeks. In the meantime I show Inanna my apartment, and she seems genuinely impressed with the place, and that makes me proud.

"Alright then Hero, lets get this show on the road," I say pointing towards the dining table that contains our draft speech.

"Alright then, Josephine," He responds. I find it funny when he calls me "Jospehine". Only my family tend to call me that, everyone seems to go with "Jo", so it's kind of flattering I guess.

I honestly don't know why Inanna came, I mean she hasn't stopped staring at us, nor has she uttered one word. You'd think she would've left when Anna did, but she didn't, and she is still sitting on the chair opposite us, looking bored as a daisy.

"Hey Inanna, can I ask you a huge, huge favour that will literally make me love you forever," I am craving a chai latte, so why not give her a job that will make her somewhat usual right now.

"Yeah sure babe, what is it?"

"Do you want to do a quick coffee run down to Starbucks? It's literally a five minute walk," I tell her, hoping she'll say yes so I can focus on getting this stupid speech done.

"Yes of course, I was getting a little bored to be honest," Hero and I tell her what we want and she leaves without a complaint. Thank god I didn't offend her.

"So, this speech. We only have an hour to finish before I have to be at my hair appointment for today," I say anxiously, knowing we need to make some serious progress.

"Yep, we got it. Lets just use all our super power energy and put as much thought into this as we possibly can," Hero says very dramatically, letting his British accent be music to my years. We both laugh and I accidentally knock my glass of water over with my hand, letting the liquid poor down onto my shirt, seeping through to my skin.

"Shit!" I yell, quickly rising from my chair. Hero begins to laugh at my incredibly unfortunate situation, and I can't help but notice the dimples on either side of his cheeks.

"What's so funny?" I say, now laughing with him,

"Your accent, it's so cute," He says, still giggling.

"My accent, your accent is funnier. I don't even have an accent," I retaliate.

"That's what everyone says who has an accent," He fires back, grinning from ear to to ear. We both continue to laugh until we are just left there staring at each other. Not staring because we have nothing to say. Staring because we have so much to say. But we both know no one is brave enough to say anything at all. I break eye contact and head towards to the kitchen for paper towel to clean up the mess, and when I return Hero is analysing our speech like it is the most interesting piece of work he's ever seen. I know he is trying to avoid eye contact with me, and I don't know why, and I certainly don't like it.

Thanks for reading guys, Hero's chapter is up next!! Don't forget to like and comment, and if you want to follow me on instgram my username is : jo.heroft

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