Chapter 5

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Holy moly, what Hero pulled earlier I was not expecting. And talk about bad timing, Inanna managed to walk in at the most inconvenient moment. The way he made me feel though, it's indescribable. But maybe I am thinking way too much into this, maybe it was a 'kindly' gesture. Or maybe it was his way of saying he wants to sleep with me. Oh god, what the fuck am I going to do. It's okay to have these thoughts, but to act on them would be completely inappropriate and unprofessional. It would just create a mass amount of awkwardness, along with huge pressure to please the fans if they ever found out. Hell, it already has created awkwardness, after Inanna got back they were out the door within a matter of 5 minutes. And to make matters worst, Hero didn't even look at me when he was talking, and that really bothered me. Maybe he regretted what he pulled, maybe he thought I'm not worth the chase. Worth his time. I don't think I have ever dreaded an event this much in my life. It is going to kill me walking down the red carpet posing next to him, acting as if nothing happened. Acting, that's what I need to keep telling myself. Put on an act Josephine, and everything will be fine. Lets just fucking hope anyway.

I've just arrived at the pres party at Anna's, and I notice Hero isn't here yet, thank god. I spot Dylan and Sam and go say hello. We indulge in a conversation about Sam's new song that will feature on the Awc playlist. It ironically follows a similar story about Tessa and Hardin. Now that I've come to think of it, I never asked if he wrote it for the movie or from his heart. It sounds cringe but a girl's gotta know. 

"Hey Sam, I never asked, but did you write the song specifically for the movie?" 

"No I didn't actually," he responds, kind of grateful that I'm interested in talking about his music. Out of know where Hero's Britsh accent floods my ears, and welcomes the hair on my arms to point at the roof.

"What are we talking about?" Hero asks.

"Oh, Jo was just asking if I wrote my song specifically for Awc," Samuel responds,

"Well did you?" Hero says, still not making eye contact with me.

"No, I didn't. I actually wrote it 2 years ago when I first met my girlfriend, we were both going through some shit and I felt inspiration strike. I picked up a pen and started writing. Next thing I know I've written pages of lyrics I didn't even know was possible. When Anna asked me to write a song for the movie, I thought this one was perfect, it fits Tessa and Hardin's story perfectly." Samuel responds, I can see him reflecting on his past. 

"Well, it's a beautiful song," I respond, smiling at Sam.

"It is beautiful," Hero follows, but this time we lock eyes as the words leave his mouth. I can see Sam notice this moment between the two of us. Whether that moment be awkwardness, desire, or curiosity. But it's definitely something, and I know that because Sam clears his throat, making his pressence aware to us. Hero and I break eye contact, walking in opposite directions of the room, forgetting whatever happened between us. 

It's been two hours since I got here, and we still aren't due to leave until an other 30 minutes. I've been mingling with the rest of the cast, mostly talking to Inanna though. I've gained to learn the more time you spend with her, the better she becomes. I've come to like that girl. 

I think I've drank too many daiquiris, as I've just got the sudden urge to wet myself, so I quickly rush up Anna's stairs and find the bathroom to pee in. Once I've let the remainder of the liquid out, I wash my hands and leave the bathroom. As soon as I turn from the bathroom door, I accidentally  run into something. That something is Hero, standing tall and looking so fucking hot. I don't drop the word 'fuck' very often, so you know that when I do it must mean something. So fuck, Hero looks so fucking hot in that grey tuxedo with the cutest bowtie. I quickly register what's happened and break out of my trance.

"Oo sorry, lucky no one was carrying a glass of water," I make light of the situation, trying to break us out of this awkward vibe,

"Or it wouldn't be so bad," He responds,

"Why is leaving one of us drenched not so bad?" I respond with a chuckle, but also confused with what he is trying to say.

"Well if it would mean one of us had to get naked, in order to get changed. Then yeah, I don't think it would be so bad," He responds seductively, and I feel myself flush a bright red. I don't know how to respond to his overly confident attitude, so I laugh instead.

"Do you find this funny, Josephine?" 

"Well, to be honest Hero, I do." I respond, but with a more serious tone.


"Because one minute you're touching my leg, the next you're completely ignoring me, and then the next you're openly flirting with me in front of Sam, and now you're telling me you want me naked." I respond, frustratedly.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, I never said I wanted you naked, I just said it wouldn't be that bad," Hero takes a step towards me, and I am greeted with the addicting smell of his aftershave. He smells so good, and his confidence is so attractive. But I must not let him know that. 

"Hero what are you doing?" I question him, and he takes another step forward, his hands leaning against the wall on either side of my face.

"Nothing, I don't know what you mean," He responds. He then begins to lean in, getting closer and closer to my face. To my lips. I find myself edging closer to him, wanting to break the air between us too, and feel his lips on mine. I hear both our breaths dramatically increase as we realise what we are doing, and nervousness seeps through my bones. My heart rate increases and goose bumps arise on my skin, temptation creeping through my blood, telling me to just let go, just kiss him Josephine.  I see him take a gulp, and his adams apple, moves along in his neck, making him look more manly than ever. Our lips are at least five centimetres away when we hear someone walking up the stairs, immediately breaking us from whatever was about to happen. Anna turns the corner heading in our direction, and I thank that she didn't see anything.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Everything's fine," Hero and I say in unison. 

"Alright, well the Limo is here so we better get going," Anna says,  Hero and I follow her down the stairs, in the hope of forgetting what just happened. 

Hope you guys enjoyed it! I am only uploading one chapter today, so you'll have to wait til tomorrow for Hero's chapter. But let me know your thoughts. And also don't we all just want herophine to be an actual thing 😫 don't forget to vote and comment! xx

todays question: Did you watch the movie or read the books for After? Let me know your answer x 

I read the books, and if you haven't I definitely recommend 🥰

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