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Marley should have seen this coming.

From the second he couldn't put up a blanket barrier, he should have known exactly what was going to happen. Honestly, he should have just brought his own blankets over here to set up between them for this specific reason. He didn't, though, because he was so shocked that Nero was actually allowing Marley on his side of the room. Not just that, but in his bed.

Still, he should have known! After the first time, when he woke up in such an awkward position. He practically vowed not to let that happen again because it made him feel something. An emotion he doesn't want to think about. An emotion that would ruin everything.

Marley wakes up to the alarm, nothing new there. However, what is new, is the fact that he feels really warm. Everywhere.

When Nero would touch him it would send currents of warmth throughout Marley. However, he'd always feel hottest at the point of contact.

He hadn't felt this warm even when he had his heart. What's going on?

Marley opens his eyes for a start, and frowns when he's face to face with darkness. Usually Nero turns on the lights right after the alarm, so that's weird. As Marley's eyes adjust, he realizes that there actually is some light, peeking around his vision. He sighs, recognizing that he's laying on his stomach, and begins to lift himself up so he can roll over into his back.

This happens to be a bad idea, since as soon as he pulls away from the crook of Nero's neck, he's met with red eyes staring at him in expectation.

Wait what?

Marley frowns, looking down to gauge his position. He is absolutely mortified when he realizes that he is pretty much entirely on top of Nero, hugging him like a koala and previously nuzzling his neck. He then notices that the dude is shirtless.

What the fuck?

Actually, that makes sense. Nero had been wearing a shirt when he was sleeping in Marley's bed. However, last night he probably thought he'd be sleeping alone. Surprise!

"Are you gonna get up or what?"

Marley does more than get up. Actually, he scrambles off of Nero and lands on the floor, the cold carpet not helping his temperature problem. He's not thinking right, and he's more embarrassed than he's probably been in his life, so he questions too loudly;

"Why do you let me do that?!"

Nero frowns, blinking his eyes a bit. He stretches, reminding Marley that he's not the only one that just woke up. "Why not?"

"I asked you first," Marley huffs, ignoring the fact he's having a hard time breathing. He starts to back up to his side of the room. It creates a sense of safety.

Nero rolls his eyes and stands up as well. Marley does his best to look away, but can't help the way his eyes keep drawing themselves back to Nero's freckled, honey torso. He has muscles, which still doesn't make sense because there's no gym here. He's well built, with broad shoulders and big hands and sweatpants that hang low on his waist–

"You can't help what you do in your sleep," he responds, but there's something strange about his voice. Marley snaps his gaze up to meet Nero's eyes, and finds him with a quirked brow and a tilted head, examining Marley. He looks like... like he's catching on to something. Coming to some sort of realization.

Yeah, fuck this.

Marley quickly turns to face his dresser, avoiding eye contact and hoping Nero will forget this entire ordeal. This has been a horrible morning and he'd like to escape as soon as he possibly can.

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