Both Newt and Farida had remained silent for the remainder of their time inside the shop. Farida was listening intently to the whispers of the two men, and Newt was having a difficult time stifling his curiosity.
However, it hadn't taken the saleswoman long to show up, and when they had purchased what they needed, there was no other choice but to leave. Farida had come to a brief halt as she passed the conversing men and caught the last trace of their suspicious conversation.
"How did you know that?" Newt asked the moment they stepped out of the shop. "What were they saying?"
"He was threatening him," Farida answered. "Saying things like, 'he won't wait for too long,' and 'we are leaving in a few days, so you better bring it tonight.'"
"Bring what?" Newt said.
"He didn't say." Farida shrugged. "But what could he possibly want from someone who works at Cynopolis if it wasn't something that has to do with beasts?"
Newt could see her logic, but still, he had some doubt.
"I know I might be wrong," Farida added, making Newt wonder if his doubt showed on his face. "But I have a strong feeling that this boy will lead us to where Makram is."
No sooner had she said that than the door of the shop opened, and the young man walked out of it, looking ahead without even glancing elsewhere. The ground beneath his feet continued to flash, casting protective spells with every steady step he took. Newt noticed a triumphant smirk on his face; he must have reached an agreement, or forced it, with the man inside.
When he was finally out of sight, Newt turned to Farida. "We could only know for sure by asking the salesman. Do you think he will talk?"
"We'll only know if we try, but I hope he does."
The bell above their heads rang as the went in again. The woman inside grinned at them and asked, "Have you forgotten something?"
"Er—no," said Newt. He glanced at the counter where the man had been, and he was surprised when he didn't find him there. He thought about what to say next, but before he could find any words, Farida had stepped in.
"We are looking for your colleague, actually," she said with a polite smile.
"Mena?" the woman asked.
Farida hesitated for a second before nodding. She must have realized, like Newt, that Mena was the man's name.
"He said he needed a little rest, so I can help you if there's anything else you need from the shop."
"You see—comment tu t'apelles?"
"Marianne," she answered brightly.
"You see, Marianne," Farida continued. "Mena reminds me of someone I used to know at school, and I just wanted to see if they are related or if he knows him."
"Well, then, wait a minute s'il vous plaît," Marianne replied, looking convinced. She turned around, and called Mena's name.
Next moment, a door at the back of the shop opened and the man called Mena showed up. His face was pallid, and his hands were trembling, yet he wore a neutral expression to mask his clear agitation. Marianne explained to him what Farida had told her as he approached his spot behind the counter.
Mena said something to Farida in Arabic, and seemed to pay no attention to Newt who stood next to her. Newt noticed how he kept running his fingers through his black hair, and how his eyes kept darting at the door as if expecting his harasser to return at any moment. Newt felt truly sorry for him, and then wondered what he and Farida were saying. Mena's lips were barely moving as he talked, but other than that he didn't seem reluctant to speak.
Saving F.
Fanfiction"You know what? I am a witch. Your lot used to drown my lot, because we are evil. Why don't you bring back this tradition?" "But I'm a wizard." Newt Scamander went to Egypt to save a Thunderbird from illegal trafficking, but he saved more than tha...