Lords Arriving and Servants Uniting

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"I see. So he's called me. Or sent you to contact me Kairi." A man looking thin and tall said from behind his desk. In his office quite small seemed vast and professional. With small set of chairs and coffee table as the walls littered with bookshelves and relics.

The man swivled to see the view outside his window as he still had the phone in hand. Looking thin, profound and serious by nature as he pushed his glasses up and brushed a few strands of his long hair away from his view. 

"I'll arrive within five days in Japan. I'll see you at the airport then Kairi." The man said as he hung up the phone an placed it back on his desk. Looking at his office as he stood up and fixed his outfit. Opening a drawer in his desk he grabbed a key and headed out.

"First and foremost I have to grab something..." He said to himself as he walked the halls of stone. His steps clacking and echoing the walls as he saw automitas sweeping and cleaning the halls on occasion.

Seeing students passing by and many outside ether simply enjoying themselves or devote to studying for their courses. And soon thinking of this, Izuku Midoriya, his friend Kairi spoke often a lot of and comapired him to his students.

'I wonder...if he had the chance to study here in the Clock Tower, would he be the student that surpases those that have taken up magus since their younger days?' He thought as he was perplexed still of the history and what now becomes of a Magus.

Their numbers fathomed and were secretive to the world, but estimated roughly fifty percent of the world or each country contained some degree of magus. Be they Exocutioners, Church affiliations, First-rate or even third-rate magus. But, with the ever evolution of humanity, and the incidents in history of the original Holy Grail War. 

Then the accursed and fallen Grail Wars started by the Nazi Magus Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia. Which in itself screwed the fate of the Grail War's very existance with this perplexed system. Soon resulting in humanity's downfall if it wasn't for the Mage Association's back-out plan: Chaldea.

Being two centuries ago saving humanity, but also helped them in evolution with designer babies and augmented changes in birth, soon creating or helping creating quirk users. To now dwinding their numbers since then. 

For gaining a quirk also altered one's magic circuts. From having if being a first-rate magus to having 2000 or more, a quirk affects the circuits to roughly 100 or less. The lowest yet impressive amount being around 20 or 30 if lucky the circuits don't disappear.

'Their are roughly only 5,000 currently Magus still among the population. And it's less of a percentage comparing to the remaining 30% of the quirkless. Still I wonder about the association when they learn of this boy and his desire and teachings of magus to become a hero.' He thought before his ears perked at two voices arguing ahead of him.

Paying more attention he growled and his eye twitched in annoyance as he saw who were arguing. Both he considered some of the lucky magus among the 30% of humanity being quirkless, and from first class families of magus and one of them being from one of the three founding familes of the association and the Holy Grail War.

Luviagelita Edelfelt, otherwise called Luvia by others, was a young Magus of the young age of fourteen and worked and studied closely in the Clock Tower. And then Rin Tosaka, part of the Tosaka family originating from Japan as well as the heir to said family with her younger sibling refusing to take the roll of a Magus.

Both of them highly skilled and acceptional students. The issue with him about them was they were cats and dogs. Always have been for the past hundreds of years since their starting families were created. 

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