Of Pride, Honor and Beserking Rage

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"I almost want to kill her for what she's done..." Izuku said alone as he walked down the halls. After dropping off Jeanne to Recovery Girl for needed medical attention with help from the others. Needless to say he was the epitomy of calm fury.

"She has almost made me want to materialize and kill her with a lesser weapon. But if that mongrel woman is nothing but wanting to see me and all my glory, then she will get no satisfaction. Still. To think Beserker would be summoned by an impudent little doll again." Gilgamesh added in to his master's conversation of himself as both sighed to themselves.

"In any case. You won't be fighting her. And Kiyohime wouldn't last too well with her servant." 

"So that leaves your second Beserker now does it? It's even more advantagious on your end. Given that he would have more power and mana due to him being a Japanese Servant." Gilgamesh stated as Izuku summoned his Beserker's class card in his pocket and picked it out. Staring at the vicious patter of gold and the beast illustration on the card.

"Midoriya. I need to speak with you." He turned his head to look bored at who called him. Seeing that all too familiar color of red and white hair. Todoroki stepping forward and had his arm on his shoulder to stop him from going further. 

"It's just one more annoyance today after another. Whatever you want I have no desire to discuss with you. I rather be partaking in lunch with the others right now before the next fights are released."

"It's about All Might." He said as that caused Izuku to tense as he glared back at the bi-colored teen as now he followed him outside to the gate of the stadium exits.

"I've noticed this for a while now. How you called him a Faker. Of what, I'm not sure. And the fact that you have such distaste or argue or disagree with him caught my attention and reject any chance he asks to speak with you. Needless to say he's got his eye on you, and you reject him." He stated as Izuku crossed his arms.

"Where are you going with this? Come now. Tell me what you think you oh so deducted from pointless observations." 

"Are...you All Might's secret love child?" Todoroki said as Izuku froze. One can see his body becoming all white as even hear a faint wind blowing by the two of them. 

"Given how you act to him. You must know him to be your father. As you neglect him and he tries to talk to perhaps make amend...what's wrong?" Todoroki asked as he saw Izuku look down. His hair casting over his eyes in shadows as his shoulders trembled.


"Hehehehehehe....Hahahahahahahaha....WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Y-You honestly think-! That that man hehehehe! Is my birth father! HAHAHAHAHAH SPLENDED! AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU WERE VOID OF ALL EMOTION YOU STUPID MONGREL!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Izuku roared in laughter as it echoed through the halls as he clutched his stomach. 

Todoroki looked dumbfounded at his laughter as he thought from his observations, All Might was his biological father. And that in some way, they both were the same, he and himself. In reguards to issues with family.

"Ahhh boy that was quite a laugh. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a long time. I'll put it in my biography later down my life. It'll say 'The great hero laughed so hard his belly ached'. However..."  Izuku then briefly installed Gilgamesh for a few seconds as he fired blasts of magic and lightning from golden portals behind him before he recalled Gilgamesh back and stared at him with such intensity.

"My mother was a saint. A real pure woman so devoted to her family and me. Especially what has happened to me when I was young. She is devoted and happily married to the one many she is loyal and forever will be in her life. The man that helped me so much to become what am I today. He is my hero and forever a father to me, Hisashi Midoriya!"

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