Chapter 13

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School had passed and Yamada walked the darkening streets. With his husband out of commision he had took a few later shifts then his normal ones. His trained eyes looked around, seeing a crawling red, blue and white colored figure into an alley. "Crawler?" Mic questioned, the figure whipping around. "Oh hi Mic! Sorry to hear about Eraser, how is he doing?" Koichi Haimawari, aka The Crawler asked. Mic shifted slightly awkwardly, he knew vigilantism was illegal but pro-heroes turned a blind eye to The Crawler, Pop☆Step and Knuckleduster. "He ... refuses to take a break from his other job but requires a break from heroics sooo he is healing." Crawler nodded, standing up and resting against a wall. "Hey have you met the new-ish vigilante?" Mic asked suddenly, following the masked young adult.

"If you mean Rabbit yes, if you mean Pawn no." He said, shifting around and pulling out a water bottle. "Yea, but we call him Bunny" Mic said, shrugging and ducking further in as to not be seen from the streets. "Pffft, that's so childish. Makes them sound dorky." Crawler chuckled, stretching a little. "Well I have met them. We fought a little and they helped with my injuries. Might I add that they are very good at patching people up? Because they is. Anyways, did you know their jacket used to be an All Might one? They actually gave me one that they hadn't dyed and they were the limited edition ones from twoish years ago." Crawler continued, his hand motions making no sense.

"Wait, you keep referring to Bunny as a them. Did we get their gender wrong?" Mic asked, thinking to the police report saying that Bunny was male. "Eh..? Oh I don't know, Pop has her suspicions of Rabbit being a girl. Knuckleduster says that their a male and I just kinda don't care and call Rabbit a they." The vigilante said, slipping the bottle back into his pocket. Mic nodded, before a thought came to his mind. "Give me all the info you have on them." the blond said suddenly, resulting with a shrug. "I don't know really anything other then the hoodie thing. I know of someone who might but Pop will have more info on her. Pretty sure Pop is west of here, so just head over there." Crawler suggested, using his quirk to skirt away.


Mic quickly made his way westward, finding Pop☆Step quickly enough. "Pop!" he shouted without his quirk, the pink haired girl looking backwards. "Ah hi Mic!" She said, leaping up onto the rooftop Mic perched on. "Didcha need something?" She questioned with a smile, fiddling with her costume. "Yea, Crawler mentioned someone called 'Pawn' who could help get info on people, know her?" Pop☆Step straightened, looking at Mic warily.

"I know her but are you sure you are willing to use her? Before she does anything for you, she tests your trust." Pop said, cracking her knuckles. Mic nodded, ready for anything. "Right she wears a mask so if the mouth on it is faced down she is already on a mission, so be wary. But you can find her in Dagobah Municipal Beach Park if she isn't busy. She has a 15 minute hiring period there from 9 to 9:15, so her schedule is kinda strict." Pop said, pointing a thumb to the beach. "You better get going fast if you want to catch her." and with those final words Pop☆Step lept away.


Present Mic ran to the beach, his lungs slightly burning from pushing himself. His hands numbingly fidgeting with his taser. He looked at the beach that was rumored to be covered in trash, but it was perfectly clean now. The pro looked at his watch, time reading 9:03 and he looked up to the docks. A girl with light to dark pink gradient hair stood there looking at him. Her mask held a smile and he nodded at her.

"W̵e̶l̸l̵ ̴h̶e̶l̴l̵o̸ ̵H̴i̴z̴a̷s̴h̶i̸ ̸Y̴a̸m̸a̷d̴a̶" (Well hello, Hizashi Yamada) She spoke, her voice garbled and darkened. "You... know my name?" He questioned, his hand resting by his side now. "I̶n̵d̵e̵e̸d̴.̸ ̴Y̵o̷u̷ ̴w̷a̶n̶t̶ ̸m̷y̵ ̴i̶n̵f̴o̸r̸m̶a̶t̵i̸o̴n̶ ̴c̴o̵r̴r̶e̶c̸t̴?̴ ̴W̶e̷l̷l̴ ̷I̷ ̷h̷a̵v̶e̶ ̴a̴ ̶f̶e̴w̷ ̸r̵u̴l̷e̷s̸ ̶i̶f̵ ̶y̷o̷u̷ ̴w̶a̵n̸t̵ ̶t̸o̴ ̵h̴e̷a̴r̴ ̷t̴h̷e̶m̴" (Indeed, you want my information correct? Well I have a few rules if you want to hear them.) she continued, sitting down on the docks and tucking her flats underneath her legs. Mic gave a nod, standing closer to her and leaning on the rails.

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