Homelander X Female Hero {REQUESTED}

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Requested by @FireDraki

Your Super power: Flight, Speed, lasers out from your eyes, powers like Super Girl

One day you were secretly a superhero. You have no team like the supes. Only you.


A little boy was on the streets picking up a penny while a big truck was heading towards him. You saw where it was happening that made you swing into the situation.

You jumped on the truck and went inside where there was no driver in the driver's seat. You took the wheel and stopped the breaks before the kid was hit.

You sighed in relief..

The mother of the little boy hugged her son. When you stepped outside, everyone started cheering.

"You're a hero!"

"You just saved that kid from danger!"

The crowd was getting wild...

Y/N: I do my job.

You said while having a bright smile on your face. You weren't dress like a superhero but more like you were dressed in your everyday clothes as a superhero.

You flew up to the sky and went away.


You were at the donut shop. It was a normal day, just the usual. Until...

"Hey look! It's Homelander!"

Everybody started screaming and cheering when he made an entrance in the donut shop.

You were sitting in the last chair at that back of the place.

You whispered..

"Oh my God..."

Y/N: Why is he here?

You turned to your B/F (Best Friend) with a concerned look...

B/F: Eat a donut while making a superman entrance.

The louder the people got and the more they posting and snapping pictures at Homelander.

Once as Homelander got his donut, he caught your stare as he approaches to you.

B/F: Ahh! He's coming over here! I'mma bounce!

Y/N: Girl don't leave me!

She left you hanging.

"You there!"

You looked around and then looked at him...

Y/N: Me?

Homelander: Yes you! How would you love it when you can join "The Seven"

You rosed an eyebrow.

Y/N: Why-

Homelander: You've saved that boy. I should give you my gratitude.

He gave you his phone number...

Y/N: Uh...thanks?

Homelander: I should be thanking you, miss?

Y/N: Y/N. 

Homelander: Miss Y/N. Well, I should be going. See you next time.

He flew out of the place while everyone ran outside to take pictures..


You got home in time. 

You walked in your living room and sat down on your couch. 

You kept looking at the phone number.

You wondered if you should make the decision then you decided to rip up the paper up. You didn't like Homelander because of his popularity. 

Then you heard your own dog barking at something through the window.

Y/N: Sparky, there are no ghost! Quiet down! 

Until someone grabbed you by force. You didn't see the person which got you confused as heck.

You started shooting red lasers at the person.




You jumped...

Homelander entered the room like it's his house. Which is not.

Homelander: Hello.

Y/N: Wha- how in the world did you find me?!

Homelander: Um? I have superpowers?!

Y/N: I gotta post this on Insta-

He zapped his lasers at your phone while it blew up.

Homelander: No one needs to know! Now. Over there is Translucent.

Y/N: So you got an invisible man to attack me huh? Why you?

Translucent: Woman, if you won't shut the fuck up.

You growled at him...

Homelander: No need to-

You zapped Homelander with full force out of your house....

Y/N: You're next.

As you turned to Translucent, he was already gone.

Homelander entered the room again...

Y/N: How are you alive?!

Homelander: I'm powerful, you're as powerful than me.

He stepped closer to you but you stepped back. 

Y/N: You need to get ten feet away from me!

Homelander: I love you.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Homelander: I love you. Be my Homelandress.

Y/N: Homelandress? Okay no. I just met you, I don't want to date you. And you're already wasting my time.

You ran upstairs quickly...

The dog kept burking at Homelander and he kicked him out of the window...

He followed you upstairs but you locked your door...

He easily opened the knob of your room..

Homelander: You know. We could be a villain couple?

Y/N: Villain? I am not a villain and never will be.

Homelander: You're mistaken. We already are. You're so powerful.

Y/N: You're insane.

You busted down your window and flew up..

Homelander followed you again..

You zapped him down until he lost his flight in the air..

Y/N: Good.

You turned around and Homelander was right in front of you..

Homelander: Our love will never die! Keep on blasting me and I will always come back to you

Y/N: Fine! We're a couple! You keep forcing me too-

He pulled you into a kiss....

 You were shocked from the kiss.

You didn't know what to say. You decided to kiss him back. Eventually you two ended up as a couple.

The End....

Sorry for the late update, I hope you like it.

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