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Louis hugged himself tighter with his one available arm as the cold wind swept through his hair and pinched at his nose. He clutched the warm bag of Harry's favorite Italian food at his side as he made his way to his boyfriend's front door. He couldn't wait to snuggle up to Harry's big frame as they fed each other bites warm spaghetti, accidentally getting it on each other's noses. Louis smiled to himself and rushed to receive the house key from his back pocket. He hadn't seen Harry in nearly a week, with the late hours he worked at the grocery store.

He pushed the key through the door and wobbled into the warmth Harry's small house held. The hallways were surprisingly dark and not a sound could be heard. Louis' eyebrows furrowed as he walked to the kitchen, turned on the lights, and set the food on the counter. Maybe Harry was sleeping? Louis giggled at the thought of Harry snoring loudly and comfortably, his hair strewn across the pillows. Harry was 24, but he looked 17 when he slept and Harry always told Louis that he looked younger when he slept, too. He would tease Louis playfully saying, "You're 18 years old and you look like a pixie!" Louis would pout and Harry would chuckle and pull Louis into his chest,  nuzzling into the slightly younger boy's hair whispering that he loved that Louis was so small. 

Louis smiled to himself once again and walked over to the cabinets and stood on his tippy toes to get the plates down, jumping slightly when he heard a slightly loud groan coming from upstairs. Louis retreated slightly and put the plates down softly when he heard another slightly louder groan. Harry. Louis panicked slightly. The groaning was definitely Harry, but he sounded pained. Louis ran out of the kitchen and grabbed a large umbrella sitting by the front door, wielding it in his small hands. 

He sprinted up the stairs and turned the corner, busting into Harry's bedroom. "Harry?! Are you oka-"

Louis saw a large lump underneath the bed covers and Harry sat up abruptly, his face sweaty and red and his hair wild. "Lou?"

Louis reached behind himself and flipped on the light switch when another form came from underneath the frazzled comforter. A girl with long, currently messy blonde hair and brown eyes and smudged lipstick.

The umbrella dropped from Louis' hand with a large clunk and his heart dropped to his stomach. His eyes traveled from Harry to the mystery girl, noticing the naked torsos and inferring that the rest of their bodies were probably naked, too.

The girl yanked the covers up over herself.

Louis' eyesight became blurry and he whimpered a small, "H-harry?"

The girl's eyes grew bigger and bigger. "Harry? Who is this?" But, she's pretty sure she already knew.... Harry lied.

Harry mouth just stayed agape.

The girl gasped. "He is your boyfriend, isn't he? You said that he was your brother, Harry! I shoud've known! When I saw your phone background, I should've known that he was your boyfriend!" She raised her hand and smacked it into Harry's sweaty cheek hard. "You disgusting bastard. I've tried so hard to avoid men like you." 

She leaped out of the bed, exposing her naked form and putting on her underwear and yanking her dress back on angrily. She walked over to Louis' trembling form with a sorry expression on her face. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know Harry had a boyfriend. If I knew, I wouldn't have done this-"

Harry finally spoke up. "L-Lou, I didn't know you would be over-"

The mystery girl gave Harry and nasty look and if looks could kill, Harry would be deader than dead.

Louis chest heaved as he let out a small sob. He covered up his mouth and ran out of the room, flying down the stairs. The girl ran out after him and Harry sat stunned in the bed still. Louis sprinted into the kitchen and the girl caught his arm, pulling him into her chest, just in time for Louis to let out a pained yell, crying harder than he had ever cried before into a stranger's chest.

The girl hurt for the small boy, knowing what it was like to be cheated on, too. But, she didn't have anyone to hold her then, so it was only right that Louis got that. 

She was really tall, so it was easy for Louis to cry into her. She rubbed her hand through his hair softly, rocking him back and forth like a mother would. Except Louis' mom would never do that. Wouldn't even look at Louis when she found out he was gay. 

It made Louis cry harder.

The girl started to tear up as well and she held the broken hearted boy. She shushed him quietly. "Louis is it? My name is Elsie. I'm so so so sorry I did this. I swear I didn't know. Do you need me to take you somewhere? Do you want me to slap Harry again? I can do that. You poor thing." Louis squeezed her tighter and hiccuped pitifully. He hadn't felt this much pain since his parents kicked him out.

She backed away slightly and took Louis' hand. "I'll take you to my house if you want? We can cry together there. You can sleep there? I know we're only strangers, but I just want you to be alright. I don't want you driving anywhere. Do you have clothes? I can go get you clothes and we can just go to my house, okay?" She didn't want Louis to do anything stupid.

Louis nodded slightly and tried to quiet his sobs enough to squeak out an, "o-okay".

Elsie let go of him a ran back up the stairs and into the bedroom where Harry was now wearing sweatpants and pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do. Elsie scoffed. "Where are his clothes?"

Harry jumped slightly at her harsh voice. "E-Elsie, what do I do? Is he okay?"

"Of course he isn't okay, you asshole! Would you be okay?!" She raised her hand and slapped him once again and Harry just took it. They could both hear the choked off cries coming from downstairs and Harry felt helpless. What had he done?

Harry ran out of the room and rushed down the stairs, Elsie hot on his heals. Louis' head jerked up from the curled up position he was in seated on the floor by the door.

Harry took notice of the red rimmed eyes, the frazzled hair, the red cheeks and nose, and the endless tears running down Louis' face. Oh God. What had he done? Louis' body felt cold as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes. Boyfriend? 

"Don't you dare touch him, Harry." Elsie rushed to Louis' side and helped him up. "Matter of fact, we are leaving. Louis can just borrow some of my old t-shirts or something."

Harry took in what Louis was wearing. One of Harry's jumpers. Louis' lip wobbled as he took in what Harry was looking at. Louis walked to the kitchen and grabbed his coat off the counter that was laying beside the neglected Italian food. Fucking stupid italian food. His hands shook as he tried to zip it up. Elsie ran to his side and zipped it up for him and ran her thumb under his wet eyes, not helping much.

"You can do this, honey. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you break down anymore. We can go to my house and cry and eat and sleep and do whatever you want to, okay?"

She grabbed his hand and pushed passed a guilty and regretful looking Harry.

As Elsie left out the door with Louis, Harry's heart leaped to his throat. 

He dragged himself into the kitchen where he spotted a bag of food from his favorite italian restaurant. He slammed his hand into the marble of the counter top and wondered if he was mad at himself for cheating or mad at himself for getting caught.


:( Sad. But, that's just the beginning ! What do you guys think?

How to Win Him Back *A Larry Stylinson Story* (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now