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Harry staggered back and clutched his cheek as Elsie lunged forward and grabbed Louis by the arm.

"Aw shit, even felt that one." Niall rubbed his cheek, feeling the second hand buzz of the slap his friend received.

Harry shook his head to try to crack his neck back into place. "So yeah, I definitely deserved that, but I think even my grandmum felt that."

Louis tried to get out of Elsie's hold. "What are you doing here?" His eyebrows were furrowed and his nose was scrunched, reminding them all of an angry kitten. 

Elsie easily kept a hold on the small boy as he struggled to lunge at Harry again. "Let me go, Elsie!"

Harry sighed. "Let him go, Elsie. Whatever he does, I deserve it."

Elsie gritted her teeth and loosened her hold on Louis, Louis immediately running at Harry and beating his tiny fist on Harry's chest. "How dare you show up here, you heartless bastard! Don't you think you've hurt me enough-" He choked off into sobs and Harry suddenly wrapped him up into his arms, rubbing his back.  Louis stamped his foot angrily. "Let me go!"

Harry held him to his chest anyways. "Elsie, would you mind if Louis and I had some alone time?"

Elsie looked skeptical, but nodded anyways. "As long as you don't make him even more upset. If you hurt him in any way, I'm stabbing you with a fork." Liam, Zayn, and Niall murmured phrases of agreement.

Harry nodded before hauling Louis into his arms and running him up the stairs, with Louis kicking and scratching the whole way. Harry entered the first bedroom he say, which seemed to be the master bedroom. He put Louis down and locked the door behind him, breathing out a couple of deep breaths.

Louis' face was red and his hair was in all directions, tears still dripping quickly. "Who the fuck do you think you are, carrying me like that and locking me in here? I'm not an animal and I'm not a little kid, so don't you ever treat me like one." He tried to make his voice stern, but it shook steadily, defeating the effect.

"I know and I'm really sorry, but I knew you wouldn't listen to me otherwise."

Louis crossed his arms. "If you think I'm staying in here with you, then you are terribly mistaken." He started to march toward the door, but Harry blocked it. 

"Please, Louis. Please hear me out, then I'll leave." Harry's voice was desperate.

Louis rolled his glassy eyes. "Make it quick."

Harry breathed out a sigh of relief. "U-um okay. Well, I wanna start off by saying that I'm really, really sorry...a-about everything. I can't apologize enough for what I've done to you and our relationship. I regret it so much, Lou. I've never regretted something so much in my entire life." Louis looked down at his fuzzy socks to hide the fresh tears. Harry walked closer to him slowly and gently rubbed his arm, which made Louis flinch away.

Harry blinked back some of his own tears. "Please, Lou...come sit with me?" Louis huffed and pushed pass Harry, flopping on his and Elsie's bed, Harry following.

Harry continued. "I-I should tell you why I did what I did."

"Besides the fact that you're a cruel jerk?" Louis interrupted.

Harry nodded. "Besides the fact that I'm a cruel, stupid, jerk, I cheated on you because I-I was afraid. I was scared that I was growing up too fast. I felt at the time, that I need to experiment with other people because we've been together for so long, Lou. I thought maybe that I was settling down with one person too quickly because I felt I was too young to already be with one person for the rest of my life." That hit Louis like a freight train. Harry had grown tired of him.

Louis pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his head in, trying to hide from the pain. "B-but, I was so wrong,  Louis. You are the one person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I want to marry you and have kids and grow old together-" Louis sobbed hard into his jumper because it was all lies. Harry was lying to him.

Harry started to cry as well as he scooted closer to Louis. "You have to believe me, Lou." He voice was nothing but a raspy whisper. "You're all that I want, I promise. I can't live without you. Even when I was cheating, I still thought of you. You are my e-everything, Louis."

Louis unfolded himself and let Harry wrap his arms around him as they cried into each other. As much as he hated Harry right now, he missed his touch.

Louis sat back and took Harry's face in his hands, rubbing his sore cheek. "You don't know how much it hurt to think that I was doing everything right. That I was keeping the relationship together and to pretend that everything was perfect like it u-used to b-be. It hurt to come home, excited to snuggle with the love of my life, for him to protect me from the cold while we ate our f-favorite food. It was the most painful thing to come upstairs to find you and her having sex in the same bed where we made l-love, where we kissed, where we held each other during hard times, where you told me you l-loved m-me. When did all of that become a lie, Harry?"

Harry hiccuped. "It was never a lie! I've always loved you. I just went through a phase where I tried to convince my self that I was over you. But, I was stupid. I was lying to myself. You have to believe me, Lou. Please, Please believe me."

Louis closed his eyes and shook his head before kissing Harry's cheek softly. "Maybe you are right. Maybe we are too young for this stuff. Maybe you c-can find s-someone new-"

Harry held Louis trembling body close to his. "I don't want that. I want you. I want you."

Louis managed a small heartbreaking smile. "Don't cry over me, Hazza. M-maybe you'd be happier somewhere else. That's the reason you cheated in the first place, right? If I got boring to you once, then your bound to get t-tired of me a second time."

Louis climbed out of Harry's hold and tried to walk away, but Harry wouldn't let him go. "N-no, Louis! Please! I l-love you so much. I-I promise I'll make this right."

"I hope so." One more tear slipped down Louis' cheek as he exited the room, dragging a broken heart.


Sad Chapter :(

Tell me what you think please :)

It will all get better soon. Fluffy and funny and maybe a little smutty ;)

And I deleted all the former steps in the first chapters. I'm starting the steps when Harry actually tries to win Louis back.

How to Win Him Back *A Larry Stylinson Story* (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now