A Twilight Story-Setting Sun

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This is a Twilight Saga story. Most of it is in Renesmee's POV but I will say if there is a change to that. I don't mind what you comment, so you can say anything you like. Hopefully it will be good things but everyone has freedom of speech. Here are some things that will help you understand the story better-

*It has been 10 years since Renesmee was born and Bella was changed

* The whole family (including Jacob) have moved to Salem, Oregon.

* They go to Salem High and are split into different year groups- Nessie and Alice are sophomores, Edward, Bella and Jasper are juniors and Jacob, Rosalie and Emmett are seniors.

* Carlisle works at the local hospital and Esme takes art classes at the university outside of town.

* Nessie found out 5 years ago that Jacob imprinted in her and they have been dating since.

* Charlie still lives in Forks and is engaged to Sue Clearwater.

* Renee has moved to Europe with Phil to live.

* Wolf Partners- Sam&Emily, Jared&Kim, Paul&Rachel, Quil&Claire(15), Embry&Catherine, Seth&Emma and Leah&Jack(also a wolf).

* Nessie stopped ageing last year and now looks permanently 16/17

Hope you enjoy the story and please vote and comment


Chapter 1

Nessie's POV

I woke up suddenly, and immediately felt the heat of the sun streaming through my open windows. I had a weird feeling, like I'd forgotten to do something. Then it hit me. Today was my wedding day! It was finally the day that I would become Mrs Jacob Black.

I lay in my warm bed thinking about all the time my future husband and I would spend together, not that we didn't see each other everyday anyways. I heard quiet voices coming from downstairs, but then they suddenly stopped. I sighed. My dad must have told them that I was awake, and that meant Aunt Alice would be up here any second so she could start on my make-up.

Sure enough, I heard her tiny feet running up the stairs and then she was standing over me with a huge grin on her face. I rolled my eyes at her as I sat up.

'Aren't you excited about your wedding Nessie??' She asked, concerned about me. I sighed, then heard everyone laughing at me from downstairs. 'Of course I am Aunt Ali, I'm just nervous I guess, wedding jitters' I replied. 'Oh don't worry about that' she said smiling and hugging me, 'You'll be fine once I'm finished with you!'

I smiled and hugged her back. As I pulled away, I heard ore feet on the stairs, running up the 5 flights of stairs to reach mine and Jacobs floor of our HUGE house. 2 seconds later, my mom walked through the door and sat down on one side of my 4 poster bed. 'Morning darling' she said smiling. 'Morning momma' I replied as I hugged her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. 'Are you ready for your big day sweetie??' ' Yes, I can't wait!!' I said excitedly, 'So, when do we start Aunt Ali??

'Right away' she said briskly,standing up, ' put on some sweats and meet me in my bathroom in 5 minutes, ok??' She didn't wait for an answer but left the room and ran downstairs to her and uncle jaspers floor and into the bathroom, probably to set up all the beauty and hair products she was planning to use on me.

I got out of my cosy bed and walked to my walk-in wardrobe. Mom stood up as well and said 'Ill go and tell Esme that you're up so she can start your breakfast and ill bring it up when it's ready, ok honey?' 'Ok mom, and can you tell her to make pancakes please??' 'Sure honey, and I'll bring to Alice's bathroom for you' she smiled then left my room, ran downstairs and a few seconds later I heard the cooker humming. I smiled to myself, then walked into my closet,picked up a pair of sweats, a purple t-shirt,put them on quickly then headed down to Alice's bathroom.

I didn't bother doing my normal morning routine because I knew that Alice would make me do it again anyway. I ran into the bathroom but stopped suddenly in my tracks. The whole counter was full of different products and brushes. I walked further in, slowly, saying 'are you going to use all this stuff on me aunt Ali??' 'No of course not Nessie, it just looks really cool, don't ya think?' She said grinning.

'Oh' I said, very relieved, 'yea, it looks really cool'. I sat down in the soft chair that she put in the middle of the room. 'Ok, let's get started' she said seriously. I sighed to myself as I sat back in the chair, thinking to myself 'This is going to be a long few hours'.

Hope you all liked it, so please vote and comment!!!!!

Hi everyone. I'm sorry for not uploading but I have been staying with my cousin for a while as she lost her newborn daughter :'( so between that, schoolwork and homework I have not had any time! I will try to upload regularly from now on, so prob every weekend or every other weekend at the most. ((Ps. I'm not sure if this has went on to a new page as I'm on my iPad, so if any of you know how to get a new page it would be much appreciated)) (( pps. There is mild cursing in the chapter just to let you know!))

Jacobs POV

I woke up to the sound of loud laughter. I was wondering who the hell was in my house when I remembered what day it was. It was my wedding day. I was finally getting married to my true love, the most beautiful girl in the world. I jumped out of my bed to find out who was making the noise, although I had a pretty good idea of who it was.

I ran down the stairs, 3 at a time as usual, and walked into the kitchen, where I was sure my boys would be. I was right. I found Sam, Quil and Jack sitting at the table eating my cereal and Embry, Seth, Paul and Jared rummaging through my cupboards , which didn't have much left in them by the looks of things

"Hey?" I yelled, making them all turn and look at me. "What the hell are you guys doing in here? I bought all that stuff for me and Nessie for when she moves in, you idiots!"

They all looked at each other sheepishly, then Sam stood up and said," Paul, Jared, lets go!" They also stood up as I said "Wait, what?? Where are you going?? Alice will be here in..." I checked my watch," and hour or so to help us get dressed!"

"Don't worry Jake, we'll be back, we're just going to get some food for you and Ness", Sam replied smiling.

"Oh,ok then, but make sure you're back in an hour or Alice will kill me", I said seriously.

"Sure thing Jake, we wouldn't want you to be killed on your wedding day, especially on our account' said Paul, as he ran out the door after Jared and Sam.

I turned back o he rest of my pack and said " So is there anything left??'. They looked at each other and started mumbling. "I'll take h as a no then" rolling my eyes at them.

Jack held up a piece of half-eaten toast from the table and said,' Well you could have this Jake' in a serious tone. Embry, Quil and Seth started pissing themselves with laughter. I rolled my eyes again at them and started walking back up the stairs shouting, 'You lot better clean that up before I come back down again!'

They stopped laughing at that and started mumbling again as they started cleaning up the kitchen. I reached the top of the stairs in seconds and walked into the closet that Alice made for me. She had also picked most of the clothes in it, which included suits, jeans and chinos. I was surprised that she hadn't picked out any sweats as she knew that was mostly what I wore, but it didn't really bother me as I brought my own from my house in La Push. I pulled on a grey pair and a white tee-shirt and ran back down the stairs. The boys had finished cleaning and were now sitting in front of my 60" flat screen tv that the Cullens gave me last Christmas. Just as I sat down beside them, the doorbell rang.

'Great', I mumbled, 'she's early!'

'I heard that', she said as she walked in. 'Morning boys! So, who's going first??'

We all looked at each other then at the floor. She waited for an answer for a few seconds then said 'fine, I'll pick then. Seth, you first!'

Alice pulled him up out of his seat and up the stairs to the bathroom.

'Good luck', we all shouted after him. We watched tv until Seth reappeared again, after only 20 minutes. 'Quil, you're next' he said as he sat down beside me. Quil groaned and walked slowly upstairs. He was soon back down and Embry was called up. Sam, Paul and Jared were back by he time Embry was finished so Alice took them next, making me wait til last. Finally it was my turn. I walked slowly up the stairs and sighed.' It's gonna be a long morning' I thought to myself!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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