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The stars glistened against the crashing waves of the rivers. Leaves bristled from the wind. It was a silent and peaceful night. If only the peace would last. 

A light-orange tabby she-cat sat in a cave, examining a rock with strange claw-markings. Suddenly, her ears began to twitch as she heard the sound of leaves crunching from behind her. Alarmed, with her lime green eyes wide, she turned around to see another light-brown she-cat with dark brown spots. She let out a deep sigh of relief as she recognized the face of her loyal Adviser. "Oh, Specklewing. It's only you." She mumbled. "Have you spoken with the Spirit-cats?"

The she-cat nodded. "Yes, Sundreamer, my queen. That I have." She answered.

"Well? What have they told you?" She demanded, worry filled in her voice.

"They've shown Troutwish and I a prophecy. 

'Blood will spill... Blood will flow through the rivers of the valley. Shadows will hoover over the weak. A new star will born, and rise. But be aware, not all are what they might see. For the mighty is found within, rather than what they are looked upon as. The greatest can be found in the most unexpected places. Three cats, so small, have the power to either destroy, or heal the fate of the tribes. For only they hold the power in their paws. Watch every step you take, for it might lead you forward, or behind.'

After they told me, I found myself in a forest filled with bloodshed. I-I don't know what it means... B-But it's not often for a Spirit-cat to be wrong. What if it means that we are all in danger?" Her voice shook with worry.

Sundreamer let out a sigh. "Could it be that we need to prepare for a war against the Bloods?" 

"I hope not. The Spirits know we can't afford to have another war. We're still recovering from the last dry season." Specklewing mumbled. "What would we need to do? Recruit pets? Rogues?"

She shook her head in disagreement. "Surely we aren't that vulnerable with the Spirits by our side. We'll need more kits. Moth is due any day now. Honeysuckle and Stone's kits are on the way as well. We need to warn the other tribes about this. Everyone needs to prepare for it. The Bloods are only growing. The more time we waste the more cats we have to worry about."

Specklewing nodded in agreement. "I will speak with the other Healers as soon as possible." She reassured her. 

"Thank you, Specklewing. I'll call a Tribe-meeting immediately." The queen announced.

"Alright, Sundreamer. As you wish." She mewed.

She lifted herself up, and headed outside of her cave, and leaped onto the Rock.

"Cats of the Sun Tribe! Gather beneath!" She then called. Soon, cats gathered around. She continued to speak. "Specklewing has come to me with a prophecy! We have discussed it, and think it may mean that the Bloods will strike again." Cats from the crowd gasped in fear. 

"The Spirits warned us that new stars will be born. Only three cats hold the power of our tribe's fate, but it is up to them to them to decide whether to use that power for good or for evil. My loyal soldiers, as soon as Moth's, and Raven's kits are born I need you to train them as hard as you possibly could. And make sure that they know all the necessary moves to prepare them for battle. As for my Watchers, I need you to watch out for any suspicious activity amongst our borders. My tunnel-runners, I need you to navigate the safest escape routes in case they are needed. My cats, I warn you not to leave camp alone. You all could be in danger. We never know when they will strike. It could be moons from now, but they'll be planning our fall. We just need to be prepared for it. As for now, you are dismissed-" All of a sudden, a loud yowl echoed across the camp, coming from the Nursing Den.

A sleek light-gray she-cat rushed out of the entrance. "Troutwish! Moth's kits! We need you!" She yowled.

"I'm on it!" A voice shouted from nearby. Soon, a light-brown she-cat with a dark brown stripe running across her back rushed towards her, with a mouthful of herbs.

Oh, Spirits... Please let Moth have many healthy kits... Please protect us.

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