Chapter 8

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"Jessie, you need to get up." Said a voice, Liams voice. 

"What?" I asked groggily, stretching my arms out as my vision cleared, showing me the face of my brother. 

"You need to get ready, you have your big fashion show today." Liam said sweetly, like we were little kids, that voice he used was used when I had a particularly bad night, last night was good until the end, so I guess you could say I had a bad night. 

"Thanks Woody." I said, sitting up right and he smiled. 

"Anytime." He said back to me, planting a soft kiss on my forehead then walked out of my room, quietly shutting the door. I stood up and walked to my closet, pulling out my PINK sweats and a tank top because I had to least at look festive for the occasion. I put on a pair of rubber shoes then walked out of my room, not really caring about my makeup or hair because I knew all my efforts would go to waste since it was all going to be done for me. I saw Liam sitting on the kitchen table drinking tea with his car keys, waiting for me at bloody 6:45 am. 

"Liam why are you still up?" I asked, genuinely questioning why he was gonna drive me to the venue when I could definitely drive myself. 

"Listen, Lily. I know I haven't been there for your since you were like fourteen, and when I was there, we both know I wasn't really. I was too focused on other things, but now I wanna change that. I have a second chance to be your older brother and I wanna be that proud older brother who is gonna watch their younger sister be absolutely amazing. I wanna be there for you in all the ways I can be. Starting right now." He said, I definitely didn't expect this speech for him, but I smiled, pulling my best brother into a hug that could've squeezed the life out of him, if that was even possible. 

"You're absolutely amazing Lily, don't forget that." He whispered into my ear, holding me tighter. After a second longer I let go of my brother, remembering that I did need to go and walk a runway. 

"Okay, we need to go now." I said to Liam, who nodded and followed me as we walked out the door and into his car, 'Somebody That I Used To Know' by Goyte blasting. I was too tired to keep a conversation and I could tell Liam was too so I just let the lyrics of the song keep fill the silence of the car. Soon enough, we arrived at the venue where the fashion show would be. I got out of the car and Liam followed, giving his keys to a guy that would handle the car. I saw one of the bulky guys standing there, probably waiting for me. 

"Hello Ms. Alan. You are scheduled for a walk check today before hair and makeup." Said the bulky guy in a low voice. I nodded my head, taking Liam with me to my dressing room where Barbara was hanging around. 

"Hey Barbs." I said and she nodded at me, clearly too tired to think. I chuckled at the sight of my best friend and put my bag on the floor and turned to Liam. 

"You can stay or you can come if you want?" I asked and Liam nodded.

"Yeah I'll come." He said and I nodded, I picked up a pair of heels from the floor, one of my tester heels since the real heels for tonight were too 'special.' 

Together we made it to the runway that looked as long as ever, probably due to my nerves.

"Okay I get to try!" Liam said jokingly and I laughed.

"Go for it." I said. I watched as Liam obnoxiously stuck his butt out as he walked, swaying his hips to the point where he might probably pop one of them, he stood at the end of the runway, putting his hands up in the air and walked back. I stared at him laughing, trying to catch my breath at how dumb my older brother was. 

"You are definitely doing it wrong!" I said in disbelief as he made it back to me and he laughed.

"Teach me then, master Lily!" He said jokingly and I laughed, nodding. I took his hand in mine, forcing him to walk with me. At the end of the runway I posed and he did the same, tossing his phone to one of the interns at the fashion show to take our pictures. With shivering fingers, the girl took our photos as we posed, laughing.

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