never needed anything more - 2

701 34 17

"Did you guys hear? Yesterday, the new cutie was able to finish Mr. Kuze's questions and rumor has it that he got it perfectly!"

What a way to start her morning.

All she's heard since morning is about the so-called mysterious red-haired cutie AKA Isaac-is-he-actually-Newton. She never thought she could hear more than various gossips about a single person ranging from, he cheated, he's the modern Isaac Newton, and then those who simply thinks he's attractive. Regardless of these reasons, her irritation is quite... unfounded?

There were several times in the past wherein she finished the tests quicker than others not to mention that she also often got high remarks, perfect even — and yet, no one bat an eye about it.

She rolls her eyes, slamming her locker shut after grabbing one of her textbooks. Leaning against the lockers was none other than—

"Get lost."

"Okay, wow," Sven scrunches his nose. "Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?"

She ignores his question and started heading to her classroom, with Sven trailing beside her. "I'm not in the mood."

"Oh I know," she doesn't need to look at him to know that he is wearing his signature punch worthy smirk. "Is it about the new kid?"

She doesn't answer, instead, she hastens her pace.

"Could it be that you're jealous?"

"Why," she inhales a sharp breath. "...the hell would I be jealous?"

Sven shrugs, yet his smirk doesn't falter. "On the bright side, he seems to be a worthy opponent."

She turns to him, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"I've read enough fan-fiction, this is how it usually starts," says Sven. "I can already see it, tags; slow burn, enemies-to-lovers, al—"

She doesn't understand what he's saying, but she's heard enough.

"No?" Sven sighs. "Okay, forget about that then. Just think about how you'll be entertained from now on."

"I'd rather not."

They continue their banter long enough for them to reach her classroom. The second she thought she'd hear enough from Sven at least for the rest of her morning until lunch time, he ends up surprising her as he entered the classroom with her.

"Have you got no shame?" She scowls.

Sven showed no signs of leaving — scrutinizing the room occupied with majority of the class already.

"Get o—"

"...Is that him?"

Her eyes follow his gaze and is met by the sight of a person she definitely did not want to see. She doesn't understand it. They barely exchanged words, so why is it that the sight of the new student pisses her off?

"That's him alright," she confirms, her tone of her apparent disapproval doesn't go amiss.

"They weren't kidding, he's a fine piece."

She grimaces at her friend's comment. "Weirdo."

"So be it," Sven says, finally tearing his gaze away from Isaac. "Meet me at lunch, see you later."


Weird might actually be an understatement to describe Isaac's experience with the university thus far. 

It appears that gossiping is quite normal around here...

Though Isaac heard positive comments about himself and that he's used to receiving unwanted attention from... some of the insufferable residents at the mansion, being the center of attention made him uncomfortable. Isaac felt as if everyone is watching him and at the same time... He feels invisible. Canards of him here and there... it's as if these people do not acknowledge his presence that they would start conversing about him when he's nearby. 

He wishes they would just leave him alone, or at the very least... speak of him elsewhere, preferably where he could not hear anything they are saying.

Two female students were strolling towards the opposite way Isaac is headed, and in the corner of his eye he noticed that they were staring — followed by a half-emitted squeal when the students realized that he noticed they were staring.

With a sigh, Isaac enters the classroom. There was still time before their class starts, explaining why there are still some vacant seats around. He decides to sit on the same seat he took yesterday.

As soon as he took a seat, he is soon snapped back into actuality where he finds that his own classmates were staring at him. It did not take long for the familiar sense of unease to flush all over his system.

As Isaac tried to distract himself, he overhears two distinct voices among the incessant chatter. 

"Get o—"

It's her, thinks Isaac. It's a bit hard not to remember her, considering he caught her staring at least two times yesterday — and it isn't the typical curious stare that Isaac knows.

Talking to her was a male student that Isaac does not recognize. The male student walked towards her before she could utter her sentence and whispered something into her ear.

For reasons Isaac cannot comprehend, he instinctively looks away.

Isaac disliked assumptions, especially baseless ones and yet, somehow, he felt that the two were talking about him. 

"Meet me at lunch, see you later."

Isaac recognized the voice instantly, and as he guessed he catches the male student leaving the classroom. Isaac doesn't miss the way the student winked at his classmate, which she returned with a scowl. 

Soon enough, a professor comes into the room. Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics is their first class for the day.

"Settle down, everyone. I'll call attendance." The professor drones. "Please raise your hand and say present when I call your name."

Each student were called for attendance, well, at least everyone except...

"Ah," the professor hums, his gaze landing on Isaac. "I heard there was a new student. Could you please introduce yourself?"

Isaac nods, standing up as he introduced himself. "I'm Isaac," he says, hesitating whether he should continue or was that enough. The professor's smile urged him, however. "Isaac Newton. Please call me Isaac."

"Named after a genius eh, perhaps the rumors about you were true." The professor smiled. Isaac could only grin at the comment in return before returning to his seat.

The professor calls the girl from earlier. "You don't mind showing Isaac around the campus, do you?"

She pauses. Surely, she definitely does mind. 

Please say no, thinks Isaac. Sure, a tour might come in handy but Isaac can just do it alone. She probably has a lot on her plate too, and—

"No sir, not at all."

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