never needed anything more - 4

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Their excursion inside the university has come to an end, leading them into the gates. She heaves a heavy sigh, 'hanging' out with someone as fiddly as Isaac has drained her, she isn't sure why.

It's not entirely as if Isaac was intolerable; if anything, he was quite the opposite. He followed silently, he would nod at her every now and then each time she explained small details about the certain locations around the university. It was the tension that was intolerable.

Maybe she had gotten used to being the listener most of the time, especially when her only friend is quite a chatterbox.

"That pretty much is it." She says stiffly, trying to break the silence.

Isaac nods.

Just when she is about to sigh again, Isaac muffles something under his breath.

"Sorry, what was that?" Her first instinct was to step closer, which... definitely isn't a good idea, considering how Isaac immediately took a step back.

Her eyes widen. "S-sorry, I-I just—"

"Don't worry," he reassures. "I should be the one apologizing. I apologize for taking up your time."

She shakes her head. "I...It's nothing."

There is a pause.

"A-Anyway," Isaac clears his throat. "t-thanks for showing me around."


There is another pause.

She can't believe she's saying this but, at that moment she wished Sven was here. He might be a nuisance, but he definitely would be a better... tour guide, and an overall companion than she is.

"...A-anyway, if there's nothing else," she tries. "I'll be off. Goodbye."

She doesn't waste another second. All she wants to do is for a ten feet hole to magically appear before her feet so that it swallows her whole.

"W-wait," Isaac's calls out her name. "...Was it?"

"...yes," she nods.

"Thank you for today, really."

"...You already said that."

"Ah," Isaac's eyes widen, quickly averting his gaze. "I did... didn't I?"

Their exchange earned an inward facepalm from her. She was awkward as it is and apparently, Isaac is also an awkward person.

She nods again and decides to save themselves from any more embarrassment. "I have to get going. See you around."

With a wave, she dashed away from the university gates, not even waiting for Isaac's response.

She really wishes that hole she'd been wanting to crawl in from had been available.


"I have to get going. See you around."

Isaac almost tries to say something again, but the girl had already stormed off.

He heaves a heavy sigh as soon as she was out of sight, it doesn't take long for the embarrassment to slowly kick in.

"...what in god's name was that..." Isaac asks himself; but then even there are existing question that he didn't know the answer to.

Isaac's been told by some of his fr—some of the residents from the mansion! That he is in fact, awkward and well, dense—but it doesn't take a genius to guess that girl clearly doesn't like him, or at least, Isaac has made her uncomfortable.

As he started walking off, he began to think about her, and quite possibly how to return the favor she's done for him today.


Hello! Four chapters in! I think I'll be proceeding with this kind of view! I apologize for the short chapter, I'm hoping the following chapters will be longer...

I know the characters might come off OOC sometimes lol probably most of the time, but i kinda wanted to put my own twist into it! let me know what do you guys think!

as always, thank you very much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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